



I am not a database person, exactly, and most of my db work has been with MySQL, so forgive me if something in this question is incredibly naive.

I need to delete 5.5 million rows from an Oracle table that has about 100 million rows. I have all the IDs of the rows I need to delete in a temporary table. If it were a just a few thousand rows, I'd do this:

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM temp_table);

Is there anything I need to be aware of, and/or do differently, because it's 5.5 million rows? I thought about doing a loop, something like this:

  vCT NUMBER(38) := 0;

  FOR t IN (SELECT id FROM temp_table) LOOP
    DELETE FROM table_name WHERE id =;
    vCT := vCT + 1;
    IF MOD(vCT,200000) = 0 THEN
    END IF;

First of all - is this doing what I think it is - batching commits of 200,000 at a time? Assuming it is, I'm still not sure if it's better to generate 5.5 million SQL statements, and commit in batches of 200,000, or to have one SQL statement and commit all at once.

Ideas? Best practices?

EDIT: I ran the first option, the single delete statement, and it only took 2 hours to complete in development. Based on that, it's queued to be run in production. Thanks for your input!

+5  A: 

The fastest way is to create a new one with CREATE TABLE AS SELECT using NOLOGGING option. I mean:

ALTER TABLE table_to_delete RENAME TO tmp;

Of course you have to recreate constraints with no validate, indexes with nologging, grants, ... but is very very fast.

If you have the trouble in production, you can do the following:

ALTER TABLE table_to_delete RENAME to tmp;
CREATE VIEW table_to_delete AS SELECT * FROM tmp;
-- Until there can be instantly
<create indexes with nologging>
<create constraints with novalidate>
<create other things...>
-- From here ...
DROP VIEW table_to_delete;
ALTER TABLE new_table RENAME TO table_to_delete;
-- To here, also instantly

You have take care of:

  • Stored procedures can be invalidated, but they will be recompiled the second time are called. You have to test it.
  • NOLOGGING means that minimal redo are generated. If you have DBA role, run a ALTER SYSTEM CHECKPOINT to ensure no data lost if instance crash.
  • For NOLOGGING the tablespace have to be also in NOLOGGING.

Another option better than create milions of inserts is:

-- Create table with ids
DELETE FROM table_to_delete
 WHERE ID in (SELECT ID FROM table_with_ids WHERE ROWNUM < 100000);
DELETE FROM table_with_ids WHERE ROWNUM < 100000;
-- Run this 50 times ;-)

The PLSQL choice is not advisable because can create the Snapshot too old message due that you are commiting (and closing the transaction) with an opened cursor (the looped one) you want to continue using it. Oracle allows it but it's not a good practice.

UPDATE: Why I can ensure the last PLSQL block is going to work? Because I supose that:

  • No other one is using this temporary table for any reason (dba or jobs gathering statistics, dab tasks like move, inserting records, and so on). That can be ensured because is an auxiliar table only for this.
  • Then, with the last assertion, the query is going to be executed exactly with the same plan and is going to return the rows with the same order.
Do you mean create a new table with the rows that I'm keeping, then drop the original table and rename the new one? Would the original table be, for some non-zero amount of time, non-existant? If so, this sadly won't work as this is in production. :(
Sarah Mei
Yes, exactly. You have no downtime?
We do, but fairly infrequently - it's happened once in the year I've been here. The policy is generally that in order to require downtime, your change better have NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE. :)
Sarah Mei
How do you know that 'SELECT ID FROM table_with_ids WHERE ROWNUM < 100000' selects the same id's as 'DELETE FROM table_with_ids WHERE ROWNUM < 100000' will delete? You can't know that for sure, can you?
@tuinstoel, I've updated the answer.
When dealing with these volumes u might not have the headroom - i dont ;(
+5  A: 

It's better to do everything at once as in your first example. But I'd definitely go over it with your DBA first since they may want to reclaim the blocks you are no longer using after the purge. Also, there may be scheduling concerns that are not normally visible from the user perspective.

Jon Ericson
Ok, thanks. I've seen scripts that update millions of rows in a single table use a similar loop - is that also suboptimal?
Sarah Mei
Yes. also suboptimal.
Only try to reclaim the blocks if these records were some part of a vast mistake. If these records were from normal operation, leave the blocks alone, you'll use them up again eventually.

Does it work when you execute the original SQL statement that would delete all 5.5 million rows in one go?

Lasse V. Karlsen
Well, I set up a test table with 10 ids in it, and yeah, that worked. I haven't tried it on the whole 5.5 million yet. That's sort of my question - does a single statement scale that far?
Sarah Mei
For a guy with 15k rep, you should know that what you wrote is a comment, not an answer.
It is? So it doesn't bring any clue to the person asking the question? Because I'm quite sure the database would be able to handle the problem if just asked. For a guy with 2400 rep you should know that not all answers are written as answers.
Lasse V. Karlsen
No it really doesn't. Comments also "bring clue[s] to the person asking the question" Not everything which may induce understanding is an answer.
+11  A: 

The first approach is better, because you give the query optimizer a clear picture of what you are trying to do, instead of trying to hide it. The database engine might take a different approach to deleting 5.5m (or 5.5% of the table) internally than to deleting 200k (or 0.2%).

Here is also an article about massive DELETE in Oracle which you might want to read.

Jiri Klouda
Makes sense that Oracle is better at optimizing than I am. Thanks for the answer, and the reference.
Sarah Mei
But then you have to have a massive undo space to match, which is why some of us forced to do batch commits
+1  A: 

If your original SQL takes a very long time, some concurrent SQLs may run slowly as they have to use UNDO to rebuild a version of the data without your uncommitted changes.

A compromise may be something like

FOR i in 1..100 LOOP
  DELETE FROM table_name WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM temp_table) AND ROWNUM < 100000;

You can adjust ROWNUM as required. A smaller ROWNUM means more frequent commits and (probably) reduced impact on other sessions in terms of needing to apply undo. However, depending on execution plans, there may be other impacts and it will probably take more time overall. Technically the 'FOR' part of the loop is unnecessary as the EXIT will end the loop. But I'm paranoid about unlimited loops as it is a pain to kill the session if they do get stuck.

Does it need to be ROWNUM < i*100000? Or perhaps something like ROWNUM > (i-1)*100000 AND ROWNUM <= i*100000.
Sarah Mei
Interesting hybrid approach in any case. Thanks for the answer.
Sarah Mei
the more you commit the more likely you get an ORA-01555.
Mark:In the example, I'm not holding any cursors open over the commit, so won't get an ORA-01555 here. If there is anything outside the loop, there is a risk of it, but it would be the same whether there was one commit or a thousand.
Sarah: No need for the loop variable (i) in the ROWNUM clause. It is just successive deletes of a hundred thousand rows each time until there's no more left to delete.
The UNDO_RETENTION parameter can only be honored if the current undo ts has space. If an active tx requires undo space and the undo ts does not have space, then the system starts reusing unexpired undo space. This can cause some queries to fail with a "snapshot too old" message.
If you haven't committed, there's no way Oracle can reuse that space. If you've committed, that space can be reclaimed and reused and ORA-01555 other queries. In a perfect system with enough undo and well known query times, I agree with your assessment. That's no system I've worked on.
Mark: True, but the ORA-01555 in another session isn't anything your session can or should concern itself with. Any transaction, small or large, once committed, means that another transaction could potentially fail on an ORA-01555. The only 'solution' is never change data in the database.
+3  A: 

I would recommend running this as a single delete.

Are there any child tables of the one you are deleting from? If so, make sure the foreign key in those tables is indexed. Otherwise, you might do a full scan of the child table for every row you delete which could make things very slow.

You might want some ways to check the progress of the delete as it runs. See

As other people have suggested, if you want to test the water, you can put: rownum < 10000 on the end of your query.

+1 for foreign key check. Sure they all *should* be indexed...
Chris Gill

I've done something similar in the past with Oracle 7, where i had to delete millions of rows from thousands of tables. For all round performance and especially the large deletes (million rows plus in one table) this script worked well.

You'll have to modify it slightly (ie: examine the users/passwords, plus get your rollback segments right). Also you really need to discuss this with your DBA and run it in a TEST environment first. Having said all of that, it's pretty easy. The function delete_sql() looks up a batch of rowids in the table you specify then deletes them batch by batch. For example;

exec delete_sql('MSF710', 'select rowid from msf710 s where  (s.equip_no, s.eq_tran_date, s.comp_data, s.rec_710_type, s.seq_710_no) not in  (select c.equip_no, c.eq_tran_date, c.comp_data, c.rec_710_type, c.seq_710_no  from  msf710_sched_comm c)', 500);

The above example is deleting 500 records at a time from table MSF170 based on an sql statement.

If you need to delete data from multiple tables, just include additional exec delete_sql(...) lines in the file delete-tables.sql

Oh and remember to put your rollback segments back online, it's not in the script.

spool delete-tables.log;
connect system/SYSTEM_PASSWORD
alter rollback segment r01 offline;
alter rollback segment r02 offline;
alter rollback segment r03 offline;
alter rollback segment r04 offline;

connect mims_3015/USER_PASSWORD

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE delete_sql (myTable in VARCHAR2, mySql in VARCHAR2, commit_size in number) is
  i           INTEGER;
  sel_id      INTEGER;
  del_id      INTEGER;
  exec_sel    INTEGER;
  exec_del    INTEGER;
  del_rowid   ROWID;

  start_date  DATE;
  end_date    DATE;
  s_date      VARCHAR2(1000);
  e_date      VARCHAR2(1000);
  tt          FLOAT;
  lrc         integer;

  --dbms_output.put_line('SQL is ' || mySql);
  i := 0;
  start_date:= SYSDATE;
  s_date:=TO_CHAR(start_date,'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS');

  --dbms_output.put_line('Deleting ' || myTable);
  exec_sel := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(sel_id);
  DBMS_SQL.PARSE(del_id,'delete from ' || myTable || ' where rowid = :del_rowid',dbms_sql.v7);
      lrc := dbms_sql.last_row_count;
      exec_del := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE(del_id);

      -- you need to get the last_row_count earlier as it changes.
      if mod(lrc,commit_size) = 0 then
        i := i + 1;
        --dbms_output.put_line(myTable || ' Commiting Delete no ' || i || ', Rowcount : ' || lrc);
      end if;
   END IF;
  i := i + 1;
  --dbms_output.put_line(myTable || ' Final Commiting Delete no ' || i || ', Rowcount : ' || dbms_sql.last_row_count);

  end_date := SYSDATE;
  e_date := TO_CHAR(end_date,'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS');
  tt:= trunc((end_date - start_date) * 24 * 60 * 60,2);
  dbms_output.put_line('Deleted ' || myTable || ' Time taken is ' || tt || 's from ' || s_date || ' to ' || e_date || ' in ' || i || ' deletes and Rows = ' || dbms_sql.last_row_count);


CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE delete_test (myTable in VARCHAR2, mySql in VARCHAR2, commit_size in number) is
  i integer;
  start_date DATE;
  end_date DATE;
  s_date VARCHAR2(1000);
  e_date VARCHAR2(1000);
  tt FLOAT;
  start_date:= SYSDATE;
  s_date:=TO_CHAR(start_date,'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS');
  i := 0;
  i := i + 1;
  dbms_output.put_line(i || ' SQL is ' || mySql);
  end_date := SYSDATE;
  e_date := TO_CHAR(end_date,'DD/MM/YY HH24:MI:SS');
  tt:= round((end_date - start_date) * 24 * 60 * 60,2);
  dbms_output.put_line(i || ' Time taken is ' || tt || 's from ' || s_date || ' to ' || e_date);

show errors procedure delete_sql
show errors procedure delete_test


exec delete_sql('MSF710', 'select rowid from msf710 s where  (s.equip_no, s.eq_tran_date, s.comp_data, s.rec_710_type, s.seq_710_no) not in  (select c.equip_no, c.eq_tran_date, c.comp_data, c.rec_710_type, c.seq_710_no  from  msf710_sched_comm c)', 500);

spool off;

Oh and one last tip. It's going to be slow and depending on the table may require some downtime. Testing, timing and tuning are your best friend here.

Mark Nold
+3  A: 

When performing massive deletions in Oracle, make sure you are not running out of UNDO SEGMENTS.

When performing DML, Oracle first writes all changes into the REDO log (the old data along with the new data).

When the REDO log is filled or a timeout occurs, Oracle performs log synchronization: it writes new data into the datafiles (in your case, marks the datafile blocks as free), and writes old data into the UNDO tablespace (so that it remains visible to the concurrent transactions until you commit your changes).

When you commit your changes, the space in UNDO segments occupied by yuor transaction is freed.

This means that if you delete 5M rows of data, you'll need to have space for all these rows in your UNDO segments so that the data can be moved there first (all at once) and deleted only after commit.

This also means that the concurrent queries (if any) will need to read from REDO logs or UNDO segments when performing table scans. This is not the fastest way to access data.

This also means that if the optimizer will select HASH JOIN for your deletion query (which it will most probably do), and the temp table will not fit into the HASH_AREA_SIZE (which most probably will be the case), then the query will need several scans over the big table, and some of the parts of the table will be already moved into REDO or UNDO.

Given all said above, you'd probably better delete data in 200,000 chunks and commit the changes in between.

Thus you will, first, get rid of the problems described above, and, second, optimize your HASH_JOIN, as you will have the same number of reads but the reads themselves will be more efficient.

In your case, though, I would try to force the optimizer to use NESTED LOOPS, as I expect it will be faster in your case.

To do this, make sure your temp table has a primary key on ID, and rewrite your query as following:

FROM   (
       SELECT  /*+ USE_NL(tt, tn) */
       FROM    temp_table tt, table_name tn
       WHERE =

You'll need to have the primary key on temp_table for this query to work.

Compare it with the following:

FROM   (
       SELECT  /*+ USE_HASH(tn tt) */
       FROM    temp_table tt, table_name tn
       WHERE =

, see what is faster and stick to this.


All of the answers here are great, just one thing to add: if you want to delete all of the records in a table, and are sure you won't need to rollback, then you want to use the truncate table command.

(In your case, you only wanted to delete a subset, but for anybody lurking with a similar problem, I thought I'd add this)
