Hi all,
we have system architecture as so..
WebApplication --> MediatorService ---> Service Provider --> Device
WebApplication --> which process input and inserts into database.
MediatorService --> is a WebService Application which is running on the same server where WepApplication is running or on the different server
Service Provider --> SMS Service Provider which route the messages send from the Mediator Service Application.
Device --> Which receive the Message from the Service Priovider and act's relavant to that message.
Technologies using:
Java/J2EE, Apache Tomcat Server, Struts2.0 framework
issues :
1 . How can i send the message from MediatorService Application Service Provider
i used response.SendRedirect("Service Provider URL") , but strange its not
working , even though if it works its not the right solution bcoz in out scenaris URL
should not change .
i,e : sendind SMS message to the Service Provider should be Back end processing
And if i use response.SendRedirect("Service Provider URL") i cannot the response returned by Service Provider.
Should use Requestdispatcher.Forward(request,response) or any thing....
please let mo know your's thoughts on this ASAP.
thanks in Advance,