




Hi all,

we have system architecture as so..

    WebApplication --> MediatorService ---> Service Provider --> Device

WebApplication --> which process input and inserts into database.

MediatorService --> is a WebService Application which is running on the same server where WepApplication is running or on the different server

Service Provider --> SMS Service Provider which route the messages send from the Mediator Service Application.

Device --> Which receive the Message from the Service Priovider and act's relavant to that message.

Technologies using:

Java/J2EE, Apache Tomcat Server, Struts2.0 framework

issues :

1 . How can i send the message from MediatorService Application Service Provider

   i used response.SendRedirect("Service Provider URL") , but strange its not 
   working , even though if it works its not the right solution bcoz in out scenaris URL 
   should not change .
     i,e : sendind SMS message to the Service Provider should be Back end processing
  1. And if i use response.SendRedirect("Service Provider URL") i cannot the response returned by Service Provider.

  2. Should use Requestdispatcher.Forward(request,response) or any thing....

    please let mo know your's thoughts on this ASAP.

    thanks in Advance,



Correct me if I'm wrong... It sounds like your Web app is making a web service call to your mediator, and then the mediator has to forward the request to the service provider somehow. Normally a web-service call is an HTTP POST with an XML body, so I don't think doing a SendRedirect/Forward with the web app will be able to forward the request to the service provider.

Does your service provider expose a web service interface? If it does, your mediator should probably just make another web service call to the provider, and then the provider can respond back to the mediator with a normal HTTP response, which can then respond back to the web app.

Andy White