




Have any Professional course (certification program) for iPhone developer? Like MCAD for Microsoft .NET developer and Zend for PHP developer.

+1  A: 

I am not aware of any certification program for iPhone developers. But there are some free online resources like this course offered by the Stanford University:

CS 193P - iPhone Application Programming

There are 20 lectures you can download as PDF files.

+3  A: 

I personally don't put too much store by certification programs - certainly not over real experience.

If you just want training, Big Nerd Ranch have several iPhone courses. Only in Europe and the US. Schedule is at http://www.bignerdranch.com/schedule.shtml

Roger Nolan
+1  A: 

I don't know of any certification courses, but to add to the list of places to go to get training, Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference is a great learning experience. In addition to several tracks of technical instruction, they run labs where you can have one-on-one interaction with Apple engineers. I found the whole thing tremendously worthwhile.


Mark Bessey

I took a training course in March and recieved my iPhone Developer Certification. It was pretty solid. The link is - http://www.theunbounded.com/iPhone/iPhone-Developer-Training.asp

Hope this helps.



Hey, i know one iphone certification program. This iphone certification program has been launched by Edumobile.org , basically its an iPhone programming Online Course that teaches candidates via Online Video, PDF Documents, One-on-One sessions and Weekly Worksheets. There is also an option to access a remote Mac, for those who do not have access to one. Candidates get a certification on completion and an option to co-publish their first app on the Apple App Store.

If you want to know more about this iphone certification program, please visit - http://edumobile.org/iphone-course.html