




How would you write (in C/C++) a macro which tests if an integer type (given as a parameter) is signed or unsigned?

      #define is_this_type_signed (my_type) ...

+19  A: 

In C++, use std::numeric_limits<type>::is_signed.

#include <limits>
std::numeric_limits<int>::is_signed  - returns true
std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::is_signed  - returns false

See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/85084kd6(VS.80).aspx.

Not technically a "macro" as requested, but certainly the most standard method for a built-in type.
Patrick Johnmeyer
Agreed, but macros should be avoided as much as possible in C++ IMO.
Agreed, I voted your answer up -- merely contrasting it to the current accepted answer.
Patrick Johnmeyer
+7  A: 

If what you want is a simple macro, this should do the trick:

#define is_type_signed(my_type) (((my_type)-1) < 0)
Fabio Ceconello
This answer has an unitialized variable; this may not always work. Need to change to: #define is_type_signed(my_type) (((my_type(0))-1) < 0)
Patrick Johnmeyer
Patrick J: In C++, the original works fine due to default initialization. You're right in C, though.
How can there be an uninitialized variable when the only variables are the temporaries 0 and -1?
Greg Rogers

For c++, there is boost::is_unsigned<T>. I'm curious why you need it though, there are few good reasons IMHO.

Leon Timmermans
I need to compute the maximum and the minimum value for an integer type variable, given it's type.
You can use std::numeric_limits<>::max() and std::numeric_limits<>::min() to obtain the maximum and minimum values for a type.
If you wanted that, why didn't you ask that in the first place?
Leon Timmermans
+1  A: 

Your requirement isn't exactly the best, but if you'd like to hack together a define, one option could be:

#define is_numeric_type_signed(typ) ( (((typ)0 - (typ)1)<(typ)0) && (((typ)0 - (typ)1) < (typ)1) )

However, this isn't considered nice or portable by any means.

+1  A: 

I was actually just wondering the same thing earlier today. The following seems to work:

#define is_signed(t)    ( ((t)-1) < 0 )

I tested with:

#include <stdio.h>

#define is_signed(t)    ( ((t)-1) < 0 )
#define psigned(t) printf( #t " is %s\n", is_signed(t) ? "signed" : "unsigned" );

    psigned( int );
    psigned( unsigned int );

which prints:

int is signed
unsigned int is unsigned
Frank Szczerba

You could do this better with a template function, less macro nasty business.

    template <typename T>
        bool IsSignedType()
           // A lot of assumptions on T here
           T instanceAsOne = 1;

           if (-instanceAsOne > 0)
               return true;
               return false;

Forgive the formatting...

I would try this out and see if it works...

Doug T.
+1  A: 

In C++ you can do:

bool is_signed = std::numeric_limits<typeof(some_integer_variable)>::is_signed;

numeric_limits is defined in the <limits> header.

Greg Rogers

In C, you can't write a macro that works on as-yet unknown typedef's of fundamental integer types.

In C++, you can as long as your type is a fundamental integer type or a typedef of a fundamental integer type. Here's what you'd do in C++:

template <typename T>
struct is_signed_integer
    static const bool value = false;

template <>
struct is_signed_integer<int>
    static const bool value = true;

template <>
struct is_signed_integer<short>
    static const bool value = true;

template <>
struct is_signed_integer<signed char>
    static const bool value = true;

template <>
struct is_signed_integer<long>
    static const bool value = true;

// assuming your C++ compiler supports 'long long'...
template <>
struct is_signed_integer<long long>
    static const bool value = true;

#define is_this_type_signed(my_type) is_signed_integer<my_type>::value
+1  A: 

If you want a macro then this should do the trick:

#define IS_SIGNED( T ) (((T)-1)<0)

Basically, cast -1 to your type and see if it's still -1. In C++ you don't need a macro. Just #include <limits> and:

bool my_type_is_signed = std::numeric_limits<my_type>::is_signed;
+1  A: 

Althout typeof is not legal C++ at the moment, you can use template deduction instead. See sample code below:

#include <iostream>
#include <limits>

template <typename T>
bool is_signed(const T& t)
  return std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed;

int main()
  std::cout << 
    is_signed(1) << " " << 
    is_signed((unsigned char) 0) << " " << 
    is_signed((signed char) 0) << std::endl;

This code will print

  1 0 1