




I'd like to be able to write a PHP class that behaves like an array and uses normal array syntax for getting & setting.

For example (where Foo is a PHP class of my making):

$foo = new Foo();

$foo['fooKey'] = 'foo value';

echo $foo['fooKey'];

I know that PHP has the _get and _set magic methods but those don't let you use array notation to access items. Python handles it by overloading __getitem__ and __setitem__.

Is there a way to do this in PHP? If it makes a difference, I'm running PHP 5.2.

+18  A: 

If you extend ArrayObject, or implement ArrayAccess then you can do what you want.



Mat Mannion
Very cool.It doesn't seem like either of those can be used with array functions like array_key_exists, etc.Is that correct?
Mark Biek
Correct, use offsetExist() method instead.
Michał Rudnicki
Would I do that on the instantiated object itself?if( $foo->offsetExists('fooKey') ){}
Mark Biek
You can use isset, I believe, but you can't use array_key_exists.
Mat Mannion
Cast an ArrayObject as an Array to use it with array functions, e.g. array_values((array) $some_array_object). It's an annoying extra step, but it works.