



Is there any way to find out the actual time spent by a thread inside the CPU using MFC/Win32? By actual time, I mean I don't want to count the time the thread spent in states other than "Running". I tried GetThreadTimes() method in Win32 SDK but couldn't get the proper values. I want to do this because I want to check effect of setting the ThreadPriority on its scheduling i.e. how much of a difference does it make if I set the thread priority to THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL instead of THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL?

Here is the actual code:

#include <afxwin.h>
#include <afxmt.h>
#include <time.h>

bool bStop = false;
long k1 = 0;
long k2 = 0;

UINT run1(LPVOID param)
     for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)

    return 0;

UINT run2(LPVOID param)
     for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)

    return 0;

void main(int argc,char *argv[])

    CWinThread* pThread1 =  AfxBeginThread(&run1, NULL, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL);
    CWinThread* pThread2 =  AfxBeginThread(&run2, NULL, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL );

    Sleep(3 * 1000);

    bStop = TRUE;

    FILETIME f1,f2,f3,f4;
    GetThreadTimes(*pThread1, &f1,&f2,&f3,&f4);
    CTime t1(f4);

    std::cout<<"Thread1 Time="<<t1.GetSecond()<<"sec\n";

Before going into profiling you should understand what the difference means. There is significant difference between NORMAL and BELOW_NORMAL. Since NORMAL is the default it's always part of "NORMAL priority" scheduling queue. However BELOW_NORMAL is not executed when there is at least one pending thread in NORMAL queue and other higher priority queues. On a loaded system, this can make a BELOW_NORMAL thread to wait for at least five seconds before Balance Set Manager kicks in and boosts BELOW_NORMAL priority temporarily to get it run.

NORMAL only waits for ABOVE_NORMAL and above which constitute minority of threads on a system. But anything below than NORMAL has to wait for all NORMAL and above.

I want my thread to run when there is nothing much else to do in my process. Thats why I was experimenting with the priorioties.
Then BELOW_NORMAL would exactly do what you want, except 5 second balance set manager boosts which you cannot prevent from happening.
Still keep in the mind that your thread will not run just when your normal threads aren't running but when all normal threads on that windows system aren't running. Threads are scheduled globally.
+1  A: 

GetThreadTimes() will give you the correct values. The problem is it gives it in FILETIME structure. You will have to convert FILETIME structure into a time that is easy to display to a user. You can do it with API FileTimeToSystemTime :

FileTimeToSystemTime(&f4, &stUTC);
std::cout<<"Thread1: Hour:"<<stUTC.wHour<<" Min:"<<stUTC.wMinute<<" Sec:"<<stUTC.wSecond<<" millSec:"<<stUTC.wMilliseconds<<std::endl;

In my machine the output was : Thread1: Hour:0 Min:0 Sec:3 millSec:0

Please ignore the year\day details as FILETIME Contains a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).

Don't forget to add kernerl time and user time to get the total time.
