Apparently Mac keyboards don't have an Insert key (or maybe they do but I can't find it). How can I get to insert mode in vim on a Mac?
If this is as simple a question as it seems, you merely press i.
2009-03-17 13:16:34
Great, thanks! I must admit, I'm both a vim newbie and a mac newbie so yeah, it was simple as that. Thanks!
2009-03-17 13:19:09
Ah, well if you want some useful tips on vim, I suggest looking for "cheat sheets" online. Also, the $ % and ^ locations are your friend, and great time savers. Use them in combination with commands editing (delete, move, copy).
2009-03-17 13:20:52
Also the :help files within vim are endlessly comprehensive
2009-03-17 13:56:49
The vimtutor is also great for newbies. Simply type vimtutor on the command line, see also :help tutor
2009-03-17 15:14:17
Vim enters the insert mode using i (or a for append), regardless of platform. Overwrite mode is only rarely entered using R
. I've never used the insert key here.
Konrad Rudolph
2009-03-17 13:17:28