The single most important use of member pointers is creating functors. The good news is that you hardly even need to use it directly, as it is already solved in libraries as boost::bind, but you do have to pass the pointers to those libs.
class Processor
void operation( int value );
void another_operation( int value );
int main()
Processor tc;
boost::thread thr1( boost::bind( &Processor::operation, &tc, 100 ) );
boost::thread thr2( boost::bind( &Processor::another_operation, &tc, 5 ) );
You can see the simplicity of creating a thread that executes a given operation on a given instance of a class.
The simple handmade approach to the problem above would be on the line of creating a functor yourself:
class functor1
functor1( Processor& o, int v ) : o_(o), v_(v) {}
void operator()() {
o_.operation( v_ ); // [1]
Processor& o_;
int v_;
and create a different one for each member function you wish to call. Note that the functor is exactly the same for operation and for *another_operation*, but the call in [1] would have to be replicated in both functors. Using a member function pointer you can write a simple functor:
class functor
functor( void (*Processor::member)(int), Processor& p, int value )
: member_( member ), processor_(p), value_( value ) {}
void operator()() {
void (*Processor::member_)(int);
Processor& processor_;
int value;
and use it:
int main() {
Processor p;
boost::thread thr1( functor( &Processor::operation, p, 100 ) );
boost::thread thr2( functor( &Processor::another_operation, p, 5 ) );
Then again, you don't need to even define that functor as boost::bind does it for you. The upcoming standard will have its own version of bind along the lines of boost's implementation.