There are lots of different wiki implementations. For a lightweight site you might not want a heavyweight implementation (e.g. like Tiki). What are good wiki implementations and why? By lightweight site I mean small number of users and relatively low bandwidth.
Don't just list links, give reasons why they are good, e.g. easy install, markup, maintenance, support, implementation language, requirements etc.
EDIT (in response to comments): I'm not asking for a vote/poll on different wikis. I'm asking why you think a given implementation is good. I'm discouraging polling i.e. "I like X". It's a waste of time people just stating which wiki they like without an explanation and they should be voted down (even if you like that wiki).
The post that should win this question is the best explanation of why you chose your wiki. Some of this is subjective, but I've said I want a lightweight, low administration, low bandwidth implementation.