We've recently moved to using the wiki in our team. Earlier, we thought people couldn't contribute because it was difficult to. However, having a wiki (3 months now) hasn't helped as much as we'd hoped. Most folks still put it off as 'not my job'. How do I encourage my team to contribute to the wiki?
NOTE: One useful resource I found in this regard was wikipatterns.
EDIT: In response to the first answer below, let me modify the requirements somewhat. The solution I am hoping to find must be:
- Positive
- Self sustaining - it must not need continuous intervention.
Just thinking out loud: stackoverflow itself is an example of such a system. Systems similar to Badges and Reputations could be adopted within teams as well.
EDIT: In response to the comment to this question. I'd take any kind really. We don't share information. Almost all domain knowledge is available only by consulting a select few.
Also, a note to all the people who've answered: Thank you :). Almost every answer has been useful. One that said we should reevaluate whether the team even had the time caused some introspection. Have requested management to actually allocate effort/time for documentation.