



Looking for a good site or book that explains windows threads, preferably for a beginner. Maybe has a example program to run, etc....

+3  A: 

You want Chapter 20 of Programming Windows by Charles Petzold "Multitasking and Multithreading".

It also covers related things like synchronization, and events.

This book is a classic, and probably one of the best ways to get a very good understanding of how Windows Win32 programming works with C++.

Otherwise you can start on this MSDN pages for CreateThread.

For a more portable solution, boost threads are another way to go as well. Combined with boost::bind and several boost synchronization objects, it makes for a very powerful threading library.

Brian R. Bondy

Follow this link Multithreading reference

If following one of the links in that answer, you probably want one that is not related to managed C++.
Brian R. Bondy