Hi all! I am currently trying to obfuscate my Eclipse RCP application with ProGuard. The problem is that it obfuscates the package names (the class My.Package.Class turns into something like a.b.c), but keeps the package names in the Export-Package section of MANIFEST.MF.
This leads to the fact that my application (which is a set of OSGi-bundles, actually) cannot be run, as the package names specified in Export-Package section of MANIFEST.MFs cannot be resolved.
Has anybody had any success with ProGuard obfuscating an OSGi-based RCP application? Basically, I see two choices: either completely turn off package names obfuscation, or obfucate MANIFEST.MF's Export-Package section, but I can't find the way to implement any of them. Proguard seems to obfuscate only Bundle-Activator class name in MANIFEST.MF, skipping all other sections. Thanks in advance!