
Java obfuscation - ProGuard/yGuard/other?

This is along similar lines as these recent questions: However, one ends up recommending yGuard and the other ProGuard but neither mention both. I wonder...

How to obfuscate an OSGi bundle with ProGuard?

Hi all! I am currently trying to obfuscate my Eclipse RCP application with ProGuard. The problem is that it obfuscates the package names (the class My.Package.Class turns into something like a.b.c), but keeps the package names in the Export-Package section of MANIFEST.MF. This leads to the fact that my application (which is a set of OSG...

Maven, Proguard and assembly issues

I'm trying to get Maven working with ProGuard. What I want to achieve is the following: Run ProGuard over my source files and produce obfuscated classes Create a manifest file that references the main class so that I can execute it as a jar Unpack all of the associated library jars and create one huge jar containing them all. This fi...

Trouble making obfuscation

I'm using Antenna to build, pack and obfuscate a j2me app. Building and packing works fine. The project uses a 3rd party jar that is already obfuscated except by some interfaces. When trying to obfuscate I got several errors like: [wtkobfuscate] Warning: i: can't find referenced class fooPackage.fooClass Class i and

Obfuscating method with throws clause

I'm using ProGuard to obfuscate my code. My project is comprised of a few modules, each obfuscated independently. One library includes an interface; public interface IFace { public int methodA(boolean b) throws CustomException; } Another library provides an implmentation public class IFaceImpl implements IFace { @Override ...

Exposing inner classes when obfuscating with ProGuard

I'm obfuscating a library with ProGuard using the Ant task. I'm keeping particular class names and their method names when they have a particular annotation (@ApiAll) and I'm requesting that the InnerClasses attribute be kept: <keepattribute name="InnerClasses" /> <keep annotation="com.example.ApiAll"/> <keepclassmembers annotati...

Proguard obfuscate Fat jar

My application jar contains classes from swing-layout.jar which contains free layout manager for java 1.5. During obfuscation process i get a lot of warnings such as [proguard] Note: org.jdesktop.layout.SwingLayoutStyle accesses a field 'INDE NT' dynamically [proguard] ...

java proguard: library doesnt work after optimization

hello, i am optimizing a jar with proguard, but it crashes after optimization. here is my proguard task: <proguard> -injars ${dist}/${jarname} -outjars ${dist}-proguard/${jarname} -target 5 -libraryjars '${java.home}/lib/rt.jar' -dontobfuscate -optimizationpasses ...

having problem with proguard trying to obfuscate code that uses Spring

My project uses spring for IoC. After obfuscation the application context fails to find the bean since it's class name has been changed. I tried to use -adaptresourcefilecontents option to get context.xml file be updated according to the class name, but it didn't work: the file wasn't changed. Any ideas? ...

Proguard obfuscation when using Netbeans GUI Builder

Hi, I am having problems obfuscating a desktop application with Progaurd. I think it is something to do with the fact I have used Matisse for some of my GUI's... The problems are things like menu strings not appearing (*.properties file issues?) or windows not loading. I have tried keeping the classes I built with Matisse without any l...

How to obfuscate java code quickly?

How to obfuscate code quickly. I have a very small Java App and I want to deliver the obfuscated code to my client. I have heard a lot about ProGuard to obfuscate code and have downloaded it but doesn't know how to obfuscate my "abc.jar" file. I checked out its website but it contains a lot of material to read. I don't need heavy obfusc...

How to use ProGuard with NetBeans 6.7/6.8 ?

Does anyone know how to integrate ProGuard with NetBeans 6.7/6.8 ? I've been using NetBeans for many years, but now I want to use ProGuard, is there a way to add it as a plugin and just click a button to start obfuscating my programs ? I know it exists in NetBeans Mobility Pack, how come it's not in the regular NetBeans version ? ...

Injection with google guice does not work anymore after obfuscation with proguard

Has anyone ever tried to combine the use of google guice with obfuscation (in particular proguard)? The obfuscated version of my code does not work with google guice as guice complains about missing type parameters. This information seems to be erased by the transformation step that proguard does, even when the relevant classes are exclu...

how to obfuscate the war file using proguard

Hi All, I want to obfuscate a war file using proguard,how can i do so ? Please explain me the steps ...

Error: Can't find common super class of ...

I am trying to process with Proguard a MS Windows desktop application (Java 6 SE using the SWT lib provided by Eclipse). And I get the following critical error: Unexpected error while performing partial evaluation: Class = [org/eclipse/swt/widgets/DateTime] Method = [<init>(Lorg/eclipse/swt/widgets/Composite;I)V] Exception = [java.lang....

Is it possible to shrink rt.jar with ProGuard?

Is there a procedure by which you can optimize/shrink/select/obfuscate only 'used by your app' classes/methods/fields from rt.jar provided by Sun by using some optimization software like ProGuard (or maybe other?). Then you would actually be able to minimize the download size of your application considerably and make it much more secure ...

eclipse mtj - proguard : obfuscate third party jar error

i use proguard (support in mtj plugin) to obfuscate a project that has some third party jars but i gives me errors: Your input classes appear to be inconsistent. You may need to recompile them and try again. Alternatively, you may have to specify the options '-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses' and/or '-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclass...

Running proguard on OSX: Where is Apple's equivalent to the rt.jar?

I'm running proguard to shrink my jar file. One of the parameters it needs is the system's runtime jar. This is at $JAVA_HOME/lib/rt.jar on Sun distributions, but not on Apple's Mac OSX (Snow Leopard in my case). Is there an rt.jar for OSX? ...

How to exclude R*.class files from a proguard build

I am one step away from making the method described here: work with a single project (vs one project for scala and one for android). I've come across a problem. Using this input file (arguments to) proguard: -injars bin;lib/scala-library.jar(!MET...

How to avoid warnings and notes

I try to obfuscate only my package in big Fat jar. But it is always send me notes/warnings. I don't now how to resolve it Note: there were 17 unresolved dynamic references to classes or interfaces. You should check if you need to specify additional program jars. Note: there were 60 accesses to class members by means of introspec...