
static java bytecode optimizer (like proguard) with escape analysis?

Optimizations based on escape analysis is a planned feature for Proguard. In the meantime, are there any existing tools like proguard that already do optimizations which require escape analysis? ...

How do I force Eclipse to rebuild if files in another project change (any change)?

I've got an Eclipse (Galileo) project (called ProguardBuilder) that runs Proguard over a set of class files in other projects and produces a jar file. I'd like to have the ProguardBuilder project get rebuilt any time any class file in the other projects changes. AutoBuild doesn't do that; presumably it's smart enough to recognize and i...

java: Proguard on a mac - path...

Hello fellow java developers, I'm trying to obfuscate my java code, and proguard requires that i reference a java library by default that library is rt.jar, but rt.jar does not exist in my java directory! I tried referencing dt.jar, but it doesn't seem to have fixed the problem any ideas? ...

Android & Proguard ???

I am trying to use progurard with my android applications. The proguardGui accepts an input, and an output, the input requires a jar file. but the APK file for android doesn't contain any jar? I tried passing the apk file, and also the dex file inside the apx, but proguard doesn't accept them as an input. proguard only accepts jars, ear...

Proguard: How not to optimize classes from a library

I've got a JavaME project here in which I had to include a given library. I'm using Netbeans 6.8, so I just added the library to the project. The classes of the library are then correctly packed into the resulting jar-file. My problem now is that the classes of this library must not be touched by the Proguard obfuscator. So I've tried ...

How do I sign my ProGuard'ed Scala stand-alone JARs?

I've built a (command-line) application in Scala that I want to distribute as a standalone JAR. I'm building it with sbt: import sbt._ class Project(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) with ProguardProject { override def parallelExecution = true override def mainClass: Option[String] = // whatever override def ...

Android ==> ant and proguard ??

I am getting the following error while obfuscating my application. How can i define the output jar in my build.xml? [java] Shrinking... [java] The output jar is empty. Did you specify the proper '-keep' options? [java] at proguard.shrink.Shrinker.execute( [java] at proguard.ProGuard.shr...

Java obfuscation

when using proguard, it seems to obfuscate entire name spaces that I am merely including. Can I tell it to only obfuscate my code and not all the libs im using? Some of the libs rely on reflection of sorts. ...

Auto-capitalizing all method names for port from Java to .NET

I am using IKVM to compile a large Java library project to a .NET DLL. In so doing, however, the method names are staying according to the Java convention of method names NOT being capitalized - but I want the .NET dll to be used in .NET projects and so would like the method names to be capitalized. The only exception would be methods w...

ProGuard: "Applymapping" without obfuscating anything else?

I have an already obfuscated jar file and a .map file that I want to use for applymapping for additional method renaming - however, any classes not mentioned in the .map file I want to leave untouched. I have tried to use the -dontobfuscate option but then the map file is not applied. Any ideas how I can go about this? ...

Problem on obfuscating j2me applications in Netbeans 6.8

When I'm trying to package a midlet with obfuscation, the following is displayed on the output window: pre-init: pre-load-properties: exists.netbeans.user: load-properties: exists.platform.configuration: exists.platform.profile: basic-init: cldc-pre-init: cldc-in...

Obfuscation with proguard

Hi, I am trying to obfuscate the source code of a product. The code is written in java and has got lot of dependencies of a particular class on other classes. Initially i thought of obfuscating major classes. Is it feasible ? Please help me with any informational inputs. Thanks, Manu ...

How to set up ProGuard in eclpise when exporting a signed, obfuscated android application?

I'm publishing an android application develpoed in eclpis and, as stated in the title, I would like to integrate proguard(obfuscation) into the build, specifically for exporting a signed app. Anyone had any luck without going down the ant path? ...

Using ProGuard to obfuscate code

I chose ProGuard and here's the options I configured it with: Input: C:\wamp\www\mystikrpg\clientOff.jar Output: C:\wamp\www\mystikrpg\newOne.jar Shrinking Options: Shrink Keep: Applications Applets Also keep: Enumerations Database drivers Swing UI L&F Obfuscation Options: Obfuscate (duh! :P) Overload aggressively Use unique class ...

How to turn off all Android ProGuard features except obfuscation?

Google is suggesting that developers might want to obfuscate byte code: I followed Google's instructions to get an obfuscated Android app that, at first glance, seemed to work. But there were some strange bugs introduced that are not in the un-obf...

How to setup a good java build environment?

Java/Eclipse. Development works fine. We have either Windows or FreeBSD for build server. To deploy though I would like to do the following (in a very automated way): 1: Pull down everything from source control (perforce) 2: build all source (and all dependency projects) with configurable javac and arguments (we want to see if diff...

How to debug with obfuscated (with ProGuard) applications on Android?

When I got something like this ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18677): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException ERROR/AndroidRuntime(18677): at com.companyname.a.a.a(Unknown Source) How can I know where the problem is and debug this issue? I only got the mapping output from ProGuard and don't know the line number. Thanks. ...

Usnig ProGuard with Android.

I am trying to use ProGuard with Android. I have found several ProGuard scrips to use, with the following one being an example (I have found several others that are the same or very similar). However, when I try and run ProGuard using this script, I get the error: "Expecting java type before ';' in line 23 of file ..." I am completel...

Proguard, Android, and abstract class instantiation

"Abstract class instation," you say. "Impossible!" Here's my code: public static AbstractFoo getAbstractFoo(Context context) { try { Class<?> klass = Class .forName("com.bat.baz.FooBar"); Constructor<?> constructor = klass.getDeclaredConstructor( String.class, String.class); c...