



I've got a JavaME project here in which I had to include a given library. I'm using Netbeans 6.8, so I just added the library to the project. The classes of the library are then correctly packed into the resulting jar-file.

My problem now is that the classes of this library must not be touched by the Proguard obfuscator. So I've tried different -keep options:

-keep class com.package.**

I've also tried -keepnames and -keepclassmembers, but Proguard will quit saying:

Unexpected error while editing code:

Class = [com/package/class]

Method = [run()V]

Exception = [java.lang.IllegalArgumentException] (Invalid instruction offset [1077] in code with length [1075])

Error: Invalid instruction offset [1077] in code with length [1075]

Is there a way to tell Proguard to ignore a certain library or certain classes?

Thanks in advance!