



+4  A: 

I'm not 100% sure that I understand, but I think this satisfies what you're asking for. Note that this was assuming that the database is MySQL, you didn't specify. The syntax of the IF() and CONCAT() may be slightly different if it's something else.

EDIT: updated query as per Csharp's "answer" below. MAX-ing the name is a bit of a hack.

SELECT t.TicketID,
    MAX(CONCAT(p.FirstName, ' ', p.LastName)) AS RequesterFullName,
    MAX(IF(a.Attribute = 'Urgent', a.AttributeValue, NULL)) AS UrgentPriorityID,
    MAX(IF(a.Attribute = 'Medium', a.AttributeValue, NULL)) AS MediumPriorityID,
    MAX(IF(a.Attribute = 'Low', a.AttributeValue, NULL)) AS LowPriorityID
FROM tblTicketIssues AS t
    LEFT JOIN tblPersonnelProfile AS p ON p.PersonnelID = t.RequesterID
    LEFT JOIN tblTicketAttribute AS a ON a.TicketID = t.TicketID
WHERE a.Attribute IN ('Urgent', 'Medium', 'Low')
GROUP BY t.TicketID;
Chad Birch
Thanks. I think that does the trick.
+1  A: 

I have no idea why you want to do it this way, but here goes (assuming SQL Server):

 SELECT TicketID, FirstName + ' ' + LastName AS RequestFullName,
 CASE WHEN Attribute = "Low" THEN AttributeValue ELSE "" END AS LowPriorityID,
 CASE WHEN Attribute = "Medium" THEN AttributeValue ELSE "" END AS MediumPriorityID,
 CASE WHEN Attribute = "Urgent" THEN AttributeValue ELSE "" END AS UrgentPriorityID
 FROM ...
 WHERE Attribute IN ("Urgent", "Low", "Medium")

But that seems like a bizarre way to do things to me.

Can you clarify if the relationship between tbTicketIssues and tbTicketAttributes is one-to-one, or one-to-many?


One relatively straightforward way to do something like this would be to just union three queries together. I suspect that what you're looking for would be something like this:

SELECT i.TicketID, a.FirstName, pp.AttributeValue AS UrgentPriorityID, null AS MediumPriorityID, null AS LowPrioritytID
FROM tblTicketIssues i, tblTicketAttribute a, tblPersonnelProfile pp
WHERE i.RequesterID = a.PersonnelID
AND i.TicketID = pp.TicketID
AND pp.Attribute = "Urgent"
SELECT i.TicketID, a.FirstName, null AS UrgentPriorityID, pp.AttributeValue AS MediumPriorityID, null AS LowPrioritytID
FROM tblTicketIssues i, tblTicketAttribute a, tblPersonnelProfile pp
WHERE i.RequesterID = a.PersonnelID
AND i.TicketID = pp.TicketID
AND pp.Attribute = "Medium"
SELECT i.TicketID, a.FirstName, null AS UrgentPriorityID, null AS MediumPriorityID, pp.AttributeValue AS LowPrioritytID
FROM tblTicketIssues i, tblTicketAttribute a, tblPersonnelProfile pp
WHERE i.RequesterID = a.PersonnelID
AND i.TicketID = pp.TicketID
AND pp.Attribute = "Low"

(this is SQL Server btw, though I doubt it would be much different on pretty much any RDBMS)

There are doubtless "slicker" ways that this could be done, but I like this way because it's very straightforward when reading it.


@ Dana, it is a one-to-many relationship (since the ticket can include a subticket)

@ Chad, your query works fine, except that I have one record showing twice (one has a ticket as urgent, one record has a ticket low) How can I show them both on the same row?

You registered a different account than the one you asked the question with? Odd. Anyway, how do you want the two put into a single row? You want both the Urgent and Low columns to be set?
Chad Birch
I updated my stackoverflow profile.I would like both records to be on a single row.
Can the "second" ticket have a different requester? How would that be handled when they're added into the same row?
Chad Birch
No, the both tickets would have the same requester
I've edited my query above, try that.
Chad Birch
that didn't work. Still getting the record on two rows.
If you copied the query properly (make sure the "GROUP BY" line is there), then they don't have the same TicketID, and I don't know any other way to tell which ones are "together". You'll have to give more detail about how to group them.
Chad Birch
I did a copy and paste from your posting to my query analyzer.
As I said then, you'd have to give more information about how to tell when two rows are "the same", because there's nothing else I can do at this point.
Chad Birch
TicketID = 113Attribute = "Low"TicketID = 113Attribute = "Urgent"Would this help you?
one record is TicketID = 113 Attribute = "Low"Another record is TicketID = 113 Attribute = "Urgent"
"GROUP BY t.TicketID" would have put those two rows together, you can't have tried the updated query correctly.
Chad Birch
Hey Chad, are you still around?
+2  A: 

The database design uses the Entity-Attribute-Value pattern for the tblTicketAttribute table. The difficulty you faced trying to get this rather ordinary query result shows how EAV causes a lot of problems.

The solution by @Chad Birch is one way to get the result. Here's another way to get the result you want:

SELECT t.TicketID,
    CONCAT(p.FirstName, ' ', p.LastName) AS RequesterFullName,
    a1.AttributeValue AS UrgentPriorityID,
    a2.AttributeValue AS MediumPriorityID,
    a3.AttributeValue AS LowPriorityID
FROM tblTicketIssues AS t
  JOIN tblPersonnelProfile AS p ON (p.PersonnelID = t.RequesterID)
  LEFT JOIN tblTicketAttribute AS a1 
    ON (a1.TicketID = t.TicketID AND a1.Attribute = 'Urgent')
  LEFT JOIN tblTicketAttribute AS a2 
    ON (a2.TicketID = t.TicketID AND a2.Attribute = 'Medium')
  LEFT JOIN tblTicketAttribute AS a3 
    ON (a3.TicketID = t.TicketID AND a3.Attribute = 'Low');

This solution uses no GROUP BY clause, but it does require a separate JOIN for each attribute you want to retrieve.

Yet another solution is to fetch attributes on multiple rows of the result set:

SELECT t.TicketID,
    CONCAT(p.FirstName, ' ', p.LastName) AS RequesterFullName,
    a.AttributeValue AS AnyPriorityID
FROM tblTicketIssues AS t
  JOIN tblPersonnelProfile AS p ON (p.PersonnelID = t.RequesterID)
  LEFT JOIN tblTicketAttribute AS a 
    ON (a1.TicketID = t.TicketID AND a.Attribute IN ('Urgent', 'Medium', 'Low'));

This solution scales better as an SQL query, because you don't have to add more JOIN clauses as you fetch more attributes. But it does mean you have to do some post-processing of the result set in your application code, to get it into the format you want.

Bill Karwin