Does anyone know a SQL command to replace MS Office smart quotes with their ASCII cousins? I'm using an oracle database and the fields are of type varchar2
REPLACE(REPLACE(str, '`', ''''), '´', '''')
Or am I missing your question?
update table set column = replace( column, string_to_replace, [ replacement_string ] )
update table set column = replace(replace(column, chr(147),'"'), chr(148), '"')
TRANSLATE would be more appropriate than REPLACE.
TRANSLATE(str, '`´', '''''')
Hi, I have had a similar problem. For me after the quotes were stored in the database they appeared thus "Â’".
SELECT abstract FROM foo WHERE version = '1.0' and newscode = 'au20309';
MaeÂ’r ffordd gynaliadwy y mae bwyd yn cael ei dyfu, ei brynu aÂ’i baratoi ...
This is how I replaced them. First find the ascii value for that unusual "Â" character.
SELECT ascii('Â') FROM DUAL; -- returns 50050
Then use the chr function to render the "Â". The || function concatenate the two characters. The q function is useful to 'quote' the smart quote string..
SELECT REPLACE(abstract,chr(50050) || q'#’#' , q'#'#')
FROM foo
WHERE version = '1.0' and newscode = 'au20309';
Mae'r ffordd gynaliadwy y mae bwyd yn cael ei dyfu, ei brynu a'i baratoi ...
This worked just fine for me on our Oracle 10 system.