I am currently using Microsoft's FOR XML PATH feature to pull data back from MS SQL Server in an XML format. I really like the feature but am always uncomfortable about using vendor specific functions.
Do any of the other major database vendors have something similar?
Let me be more specific with type of features I'm looking for
In MS SQL you can use this query
SELECT so.id AS '@Id',
so.Code AS '@Code',
cu.Code AS 'Customer/@Code',
cu.Name AS 'Customer/@Name',
(SELECT Item_Num AS '@Item',
pa.Code AS '@PartCode'
FROM tblSalesItem si
LEFT JOIN tblPart pa ON pa.Id = si.Part_Id
WHERE si.SalesOrder_ID = so.Id
FOR XML PATH('SalesItem') , type)
FROM tblSalesOrder so
JOIN tblCustomer cu ON so.customer_id = cu.ID
FOR XML PATH('SalesOrder'), ROOT('SalesOrders')
to generate this XML
<SalesOrder Id="13" Code="C1002 ">
<Customer Code="ROBERTS " Name="Roberts Equipment Inc." />
<SalesItem Item="1" PartCode="FP-0001" />
<SalesItem Item="2" PartCode="FP-0003" />
<SalesOrder Id="15" Code="C1004 ">
<Customer Code="EXBEL-LIFTS" Name="Exbel Lifts Inc." />
<SalesItem Item="1" />
I can control the use of elements and attributes on a column by column basis. I can create attributes of elements to group related columns together. I can use sub-queries to generate nested elements. You can even use functions that return XML to generate trees that are arbitrary depth.