



I'm having no end of trouble calling MsiEnumRelatedProducts from C#. I've tried a couple of variations on the p/invoke definition but no luck (out and ref). I think the problem is the last parameter, which is an LPTSTR that is supposed to point to a string 39 characters long.

Here's the pinvoke and call:

public static string EnumRelatedProducts(string UpgradeCode, int Index)
    string ProductCode;
    UInt32 rc = MsiEnumRelatedProducts(UpgradeCode, 0, Index, out ProductCode);
    if (rc != 0)
        return string.Empty;

    return ProductCode;

[DllImport("msi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
private static extern UInt32 MsiEnumRelatedProducts(string UpgradeCode, int reserved, int Index, out string ProductCode);

Note that the crash only occurs when the passed UpgradeCode has at least 1 installed product.

+3  A: 

Try declaring like so:

private static extern uint MsiEnumRelatedProducts(
             string lpUpgradeCode, 
             uint dwReserved, 
             uint lProductIndex, 
             StringBuilder lpProductBuf);
Mitch Wheat
Exactly correct! Thank you!
Great! Thank you.