



I am trying to figure out how to use boost::graph to store some information. However, there is information I want tied to each vertex. Staring at the documentation for the library reveals either(a)badly written documentation, or (b), I'm obviously not as good at C++ as I thought. Pick two.

I am looking for either a tutorial on assigning properties, or a simple example use.

+2  A: 

I consider Boost.Graph to have a very good documentation, but not truly for beginners on the matter. So here goes an example that i hope is simple enough !


// Create a name for your information
struct VertexInformation
  typedef boost::vertex_property_type type;

// Graph type, customize it to your needs
// This is when you decide what information will be attached to vertices and/or edges
// of MyGraph objects
typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS,
  boost::property<VertexInformation, double> > MyGraph;

int main()
  MyGraph graph;

  // Create accessor for information
  typedef boost::property_map<MyGraph, VertexInformation>::type  InformationAccessor;
  InformationAccessor information( get( VertexInformation(), graph ) );

  // Create a vertex (for example purpose)
  typedef boost::graph_traits<MyGraph>::vertex_descriptor MyVertex;
  MyVertex vertex = add_vertex( graph );

  // Now you can access your information
  put( information, vertex, 1. );

  // returns 1 !
  get( information, vertex );
  return 0;
+1  A: 

Below is code I used to attach some properties to vertices, edges, and graphs. Note that vertex name and graph name are predefined properties (see boost/properties.hpp for a complete list) so that vertex_name_t and graph_name_t are already defined. However, vertex_location_t, edge_length_t, and graph_notes_t are my own properties and hence need definition. I cobbled together this code from various examples and documentation, and I'm not sure exactly what BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY does, but the code seems to work fine.

// Define custom properties
enum vertex_location_t { vertex_location };
enum edge_length_t     { edge_length     };
enum graph_notes_t     { graph_notes     };

namespace boost
    BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(vertex, location);
    BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(edge,   length  );
    BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(graph,  notes   );

// Define vertex properties:  vertex name and location
typedef property<vertex_name_t,     string,
        property<vertex_location_t, Point3> >

// Define edge properties:  length
typedef property<edge_length_t, double> EdgeProperties;

// Define graph properties:  graph name and notes
typedef property<graph_name_t,  string,
        property<graph_notes_t, string> >

// Define a graph type
typedef adjacency_list
    vecS,       // edge container type
    vecS,       // vertex container type
> Graph;
+1  A: 

I found the examples pretty useful. On windows it will be in your \Program Files\boost\boost_1_38\libs\graph\example directory.

kevin_bacon2.cpp uses vertex properties to store the names of actors.

Your vertex and edge properties can be stored in regular structs or classes.

+3  A: 

I don't like the nested-template property approach of boost::graph, so I wrote a small wrapper around everything, that basically allows to put any struct/class as a vertex/edge property. One can access properties accessing the struct members.

To keep it flexible these structs are defined as template parameter.

Here the Code:

/* definition of basic boost::graph properties */
enum vertex_properties_t { vertex_properties };
enum edge_properties_t { edge_properties };
namespace boost {
 BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(vertex, properties);
 BOOST_INSTALL_PROPERTY(edge, properties);

/* the graph base class template */
template < typename VERTEXPROPERTIES, typename EDGEPROPERTIES >
class Graph

 /* an adjacency_list like we need it */
 typedef adjacency_list<
  setS, // disallow parallel edges
  listS, // vertex container
  bidirectionalS, // directed graph
  property<vertex_properties_t, VERTEXPROPERTIES>,
  property<edge_properties_t, EDGEPROPERTIES>
 > GraphContainer;

 /* a bunch of graph-specific typedefs */
 typedef typename graph_traits<GraphContainer>::vertex_descriptor Vertex;
 typedef typename graph_traits<GraphContainer>::edge_descriptor Edge;
 typedef std::pair<Edge, Edge> EdgePair;

 typedef typename graph_traits<GraphContainer>::vertex_iterator vertex_iter;
 typedef typename graph_traits<GraphContainer>::edge_iterator edge_iter;
 typedef typename graph_traits<GraphContainer>::adjacency_iterator adjacency_iter;
 typedef typename graph_traits<GraphContainer>::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iter;

 typedef typename graph_traits<GraphContainer>::degree_size_type degree_t;

 typedef std::pair<adjacency_iter, adjacency_iter> adjacency_vertex_range_t;
 typedef std::pair<out_edge_iter, out_edge_iter> out_edge_range_t;
 typedef std::pair<vertex_iter, vertex_iter> vertex_range_t;
 typedef std::pair<edge_iter, edge_iter> edge_range_t;

 /* constructors etc. */

 Graph(const Graph& g) :

 virtual ~Graph()

 /* structure modification methods */
 void Clear()

 Vertex AddVertex(const VERTEXPROPERTIES& prop)
  Vertex v = add_vertex(graph);
  properties(v) = prop;
  return v;

 void RemoveVertex(const Vertex& v)
  clear_vertex(v, graph);
  remove_vertex(v, graph);

 EdgePair AddEdge(const Vertex& v1, const Vertex& v2, const EDGEPROPERTIES& prop_12, const EDGEPROPERTIES& prop_21)
  /* TODO: maybe one wants to check if this edge could be inserted */
  Edge addedEdge1 = add_edge(v1, v2, graph).first;
  Edge addedEdge2 = add_edge(v2, v1, graph).first;

  properties(addedEdge1) = prop_12;
  properties(addedEdge2) = prop_21;

  return EdgePair(addedEdge1, addedEdge2);

 /* property access */
 VERTEXPROPERTIES& properties(const Vertex& v)
  typename property_map<GraphContainer, vertex_properties_t>::type param = get(vertex_properties, graph);
  return param[v];

 const VERTEXPROPERTIES& properties(const Vertex& v) const
  typename property_map<GraphContainer, vertex_properties_t>::const_type param = get(vertex_properties, graph);
  return param[v];

 EDGEPROPERTIES& properties(const Edge& v)
  typename property_map<GraphContainer, edge_properties_t>::type param = get(edge_properties, graph);
  return param[v];

 const EDGEPROPERTIES& properties(const Edge& v) const
  typename property_map<GraphContainer, edge_properties_t>::const_type param = get(edge_properties, graph);
  return param[v];

 /* selectors and properties */
 const GraphContainer& getGraph() const
  return graph;

 vertex_range_t getVertices() const
  return vertices(graph);

 adjacency_vertex_range_t getAdjacentVertices(const Vertex& v) const
  return adjacent_vertices(v, graph);

 int getVertexCount() const
  return num_vertices(graph);

 int getVertexDegree(const Vertex& v) const
  return out_degree(v, graph);

 /* operators */
 Graph& operator=(const Graph &rhs)
  graph = rhs.graph;
  return *this;

 GraphContainer graph;

Using this you can access properties like this:

struct VertexProperties {
 int i;

struct EdgeProperties {

typedef Graph<VertexProperties, EdgeProperties> MyGraph;

MyGraph g;

VertexProperties vp;
vp.i = 42;

MyGraph::Vertex v = g.AddVertex(vp); = 23;

Of course you may have other needs for your graph's structure, but modification of the code above should be pretty easy.

Great! This code is what made Boost Graph usable for me. I also don't like working with nested templates.
Glad to help. :)
+1  A: 

I really like the solution of gre, using structs to specify Vertex and Edge properties. It's very convenient and also flexible. However, with all the typedef in the class, I don't find a way to access the information from outside the class. Like, when I want another class to use the information stored on a vertex, I can't do: OtherClass::printVertexInfo(Vertex v); // e.g. v = Graph::getFirstVertex(); because "Vertex" is unknown to the OtherClass, obviously. So how can I achieve this, conserving the templated-way of Graph? Thanks.

you should reply to gre in a comment
Paul Nathan
Thanks, I will do that for future similar questions. For now, I did post the question separately and got the solution answered already. For those who run into the same question, s.
+5  A: 

What about using bundled properties?

using namespace boost;

struct vertex_info { 
    std::string whatever; 
    int othervalue; 
    std::vector<int> some_values; 

typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, undirectedS, vertex_info> graph_t;

graph_t g(n);

g[0].whatever = "Vertex 0";


and so on.

I use BGL a lot and I think that working with bundled properties ( is really straightforward (if your compiler supports partial template specialization).

The other type of vertex property that I like are external properties. You can declare std::vectors of the appropriate size and use them as properties in most of the algorithms.

This needs to be the accepted answer. Especially because a competing answer, currently top voted, is a reimplementation of this feature you've shown is already in the library!Your example code is also the most straightforward example I've found on the web of how to set up a simple boost graph library usage. Thanks.