



I am using the following command in a shortcut to open my virtual drive in Windows Explorer. %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /e,::{MyExtension CLSID}

The virtual drive uses IShellFolder interface and is a ShellExtension. It has a couple of predefined folders in it. The problem is that I can open the virtual drive in Windows explorer directly using the above statement but I cannot directly open one of its folders.

This link explains how to open a IShellFolder

but I am not sure how to use the objectname param %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /e,::{MyExtension CLSID},objectname


I took the GMail Drive Shell extension, installed it, and create a folder inside the namespace. Then I use the above method (/E,::{CLSID}) to create the shortcut and added ",foldername" at the end.
It worked perfectly, I think that you need to check your IPersistFolder::Initialize implementation.

Shay Erlichmen
Shay!! IS there any article that explains the correct way to implement the IPersistFolder::Initialize method? I want to recheck the implementation.
Check this:, someone wrote a shell namespace that impl Initialize() correctly.
Shay Erlichmen