




A co-worker just asked me, but I never got around to getting a cert myself. Anyone have good experiences with specific companies?

+2  A: 

I did all 9 of mine through Sylvan Prometric and they were fine. To be honest, as long as they have a room with no noise, a computer that doesn't break down half way through the exam (and a toilet!), then it doesn't really matter who you use. Having said that, my company paid for it so I'm not sure if there is a price difference between companies.

I can also recommend Transcender practice exams as the closest thing you can get to the real thing.

Duncan Edwards
+1  A: 

Look for a Microsoft Certified Partner and Learning Solutions. Some of the ones I have worked with are:

  • New Horizons
  • Executrain

Both of them provide basically the same preparation courses. You will also have to do some studying on your own. Microsoft also has for each certifications a recomended study guide (books)

Shall I recommend MCTS or MCPD for Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0. MCSD is for .NET framework 1.0 and 1.1


For Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 : MCTS and MCPD

Igor Zelaya
D'OH! Is there another cert for .NET 3.5?
@Telos. There is also MCTS and MCPD for .NET 3.5 and VS 2008. I'll update my response with the respective links.
Igor Zelaya