There are free 3rd party controls to do this using an ISO standard XML file (I wrote a database utility to create, edit & export into this format).
The other answers are very manual and involve more work than using this control does.
The control you need is found at:
After the eZ Components are installed on the server, you need to retrieve the base control required for all eZ Components
require_once "ezc/Base/base.php";
* __autoload()
* @param mixed $className
* @return
function __autoload( $className )
ezcBase::autoload( $className );
Then you must define where the XML language file is located (see: ISO639-2, ISO3166, and Qt Linguist)
$config["language_code"] = "en_us"; // as defined by ISO639-2 and ISO3166
// grab our translation XML file
$backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( dirname( __FILE__ ). '/translations' );
$backend -> setOptions( array( 'format' => $config["language_code"].'.xml' ) );
// create a manager object
$manager = new ezcTranslationManager( $backend );
$language = $manager->getContext( $config["language_code"], 'strings' );
now you can grab strings by simply calling the following function
getTranslation( "SOME_KEY" );
and to retrieve phrases that have parameters use the following syntax, please note the relation between [KEYWORD] and "keyword" is intentional and recommended
getTranslation( "FIND_[KEYWORD]_BY_[TYPE]", array("keyword" => $keyword, "type" => $type ) );
an example of a TS XML file is (should be called en_US.xml)
<translation>Zone Type</translation>
<translation>Zone Tool</translation>
<translation>Hello, %name, welcome to Webfood Admin</translation>
<translation>Your administrative session has timed out. Please login again.</translation>
I would simply have a setting, in your PHP sessions, that stores the language used, perhaps ask the user before or after they log in which language they want, and store it to their user table if you have accounts. There's no reason to keep sending a URL value over and over, that's a bad idea.