I wanted a number that would remain unique for a day (24 hours). Following is the code that I came up with; I was wondering about its fallacies/possible risks; 'I believe' this guarantees a 12 digit unique number for a day atleast.
Logic is to get the current date/time (hhmmssmmm) and concat the first four bytes of query performance counter result.
__forceinline bool GetUniqueID(char caUID[MAX_STRING_LENGTH])
//Logic: Add HHMMSSmmm with mid 3 bytes of performance counter.
//Guarantees that in a single milli second band (0 to 999) the three bytes
//of performance counter would always be unique.
//1. Get system time, and use
bool bStatus = false;
SYSTEMTIME localtime;
GetLocalTime(&localtime);//Get local time, so that we may pull out HHMMSSmmm
char cNT[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];//new time.
memset(cNT, '\0', sizeof(cNT));
//Try to get the performance counter,
//if one is provided by the OEM.
QueryPerformanceCounter(&li);//This function retrieves the current value of the
//high-resolution performance counter if one is provided by the OEM
//We use the first four bytes only of it.
sprintf(cNT, "%u", li.QuadPart);
//Not provided by OEM.
//Lets go with the GetTickCounts();
//ddHHMMSS + 4 bytes of dwTicks
sprintf(cNT,"%04d", GetTickCount());
//Get the first four bytes.
int iSkipTo = 0;//This is incase we'd decide to pull out next four bytes, rather than first four bytes.
int iGetChars = 4;//Number of chars to get.
char *pSub = (char*) malloc(iGetChars+1);//Clear memory
strncpy(pSub, cNT + iSkipTo, iGetChars);//Get string
pSub[iGetChars] = '\0'; //Mark end.
//Prepare unique id
sprintf(caUID, "%02d%02d%02d%3d%s",
pSub); //First four characters concat.
bStatus = true;
//Couldnt prepare. There was some problem.
bStatus = false;
return bStatus;
Following is the output that I get:
Unique:[125907 462224] Unique:[125907 462225] Unique:[125907 462226] Unique:[125907 462227] Unique:[125907 462228] Unique:[125907 462230] Unique:[125907 462231] Unique:[125907 462232] Unique:[125907 462233] Unique:[125907 462234] Unique:[125907 462235] Unique:[125907 462237] Unique:[125907 462238] Unique:[125907 462239] Unique:[125907 462240] Unique:[125907 462241] Unique:[125907 462243] Unique:[125907 462244] Unique:[125907 462245] Unique:[125907 462246] Unique:[125907 462247] Unique:[125907 462248] Unique:[125907 462249] Unique:[125907 462251] Unique:[125907 462252] Unique:[125907 462253] Unique:[125907 462254] Unique:[125907 462255] Unique:[125907 462256] Unique:[125907 462257] Unique:[125907 462258] Millisecond changed, 46 Unique:[125907 622261] Unique:[125907 622262] Unique:[125907 622263] Unique:[125907 622264] Unique:[125907 622265] Unique:[125907 622267] Unique:[125907 622268] Unique:[125907 622269] Unique:[125907 622270] Unique:[125907 622271] Unique:[125907 622273] Unique:[125907 622274] Unique:[125907 622275] Unique:[125907 622276] Unique:[125907 622277] Unique:[125907 622278] Unique:[125907 622279] Unique:[125907 622281] Unique:[125907 622282] Unique:[125907 622283] Unique:[125907 622284] Unique:[125907 622285] Unique:[125907 622286] Unique:[125907 622288] Unique:[125907 622289] Unique:[125907 622290] Unique:[125907 622291] Unique:[125907 622292] Unique:[125907 622293] Unique:[125907 622295] Unique:[125907 622296] Unique:[125907 622297] Unique:[125907 622298] Unique:[125907 622299] Unique:[125907 622300] Unique:[125907 622301] Unique:[125907 622302] Unique:[125907 622304] Unique:[125907 622305] Unique:[125907 622306] Millisecond changed, 62 Unique:[125907 782308] Unique:[125907 782310] Unique:[125907 782311] Unique:[125907 782312] Unique:[125907 782313] Unique:[125907 782314] Unique:[125907 782316] Unique:[125907 782317] Unique:[125907 782318] Unique:[125907 782319] Millisecond changed, 125 Unique:[1259071402495] Unique:[1259071402497] Unique:[1259071402498] Unique:[1259071402499] Unique:[1259071402500] Unique:[1259071402502] Unique:[1259071402503] Unique:[1259071402504] Unique:[1259071402505] Unique:[1259071402507]
Now I am thinking of keeping the generated IDs in a list, and compare the new generated one with the existing ones in the list. If it already exist in the list, then well I can certainly skip the number and generate another, but certainly and clearly this logic would fail.
Would appreciate your comments/suggestions/updates/etc.
Thanks JT.