



My professor did an informal benchmark on a little program and the Java times were: 1.7 seconds for the first run, and 0.8 seconds for the runs thereafter. Is this due entirely to the loading of the runtime environment into the operating environment or is it influenced by Java's optimizing the code and storing the results of those optimizations (sorry, I don't know the technical term for that)?

Thanks! Matt

+3  A: 

I'm not aware of any virtual machine in widespread use that saves statistical usage data between program invocations -- but it certainly is an interesting possibility for future research.

What you're seeing is almost certainly due to disk caching.

Curt Hagenlocher

Java JVM (actually might change from different implementations of the JVM) when first started out will interpret the byte code. Once it detects that the code will be running enough number of times JITs it to native machine language so it runs faster.

Cem Catikkas
I think he meant from one run of the JVM to another. I don't think this applies.
Allain Lalonde
+4  A: 
Matt Gregory
+2  A: 

I agree that it's likely the result of disk caching.

FYI, the IBM Java 6 VM does contain an ahead-of-time compiler (AOT). The code isn't quite as optimized as what the JIT would produce, but it is stored across VMs, I believe in some sort of persistent shared memory. Its primary benefit is to improve startup performance. The IBM VM by default JITs a method after it's been called 1000 times. If it knows that a method is going to be called 1000 times just during the VM startup (think a commonly-used method like java.lang.String.equals(...) ), then it's beneficial for it to store that in the AOT cache so that it never has to waste time compiling at runtime.

+1  A: 

I agree that the performance difference seen by the poster is most likely caused by disk latency bringing the JRE into memory. The Just In Time compiler (JIT) would not have an impact on performance of a little application.

Java 1.6u10 ( touches the runtime JARs in a background process (even if Java isn't running) to keep the data in the disk cache. This significantly decreases startup times (Which is a huge benefit to desktop apps, but probably of marginal value to server side apps).

On large, long running applications, the JIT makes a big difference over time - but the amount of time required for the JIT to accumulate sufficient statistics to kick in and optimize (5-10 seconds) is very, very short compared to the overall life of the application (most run for months and months). While storing and restoring the JIT results is an interesting academic exercise, the practical improvement is not very large (Which is why the JIT team has been more focused on things like GC strategies for minimizing memory cache misses, etc...).

The pre-compilation of the runtime classes does help desktop applications quite a bit (as does the aforementioned 6u10 disk cache pre-loading).

Kevin Day
+1  A: 

You should describe how your Benchmark was done. Especially at which point you start to measure the time.

If you include the JVM startup time (which is useful for Benchmarking the User experience but not so useful to optimize Java code) then it might be a filesystem caching effect or it can be caused by a feature called "Java Class Data Sharing":

For Sun:

This is an option where the JVM saves a prepared image of the runtime classes to a file, to allow quicker loading (and sharing) of those at the next start. You can control this with -Xshare:on or -Xshare:off with a Sun JVM. The default is -Xshare:auto which will load the shared classes image if present, and if not present it will write it at first startup if the directory is write able.

With IBM Java 5 this is BTW even more powerful:

I don't know of any mainstream JVM which is saving JIT statistics.
