Most programming code, I imagine is written in english. But I'm curious how people handling the issue of naming herein. Alot of programming is done within some bussiness domain, usually with well established terms for certain procedures, items.
I'm from Denmark for instance, and something I work alot with has a term called "indblikskode", which sorta translates to "insight code". So, do I use the line "string indblikskode = ..." in the C# code for some webservice related to this? Or do I try to use a translation, such as "insightcode"? The bussiness I'm in isn't even consistent in it's language, for instance using the term "organisatorisk enhed" (organizatorical unit), but just as often using the abbreviation "OU", which is obviously abbreviated from the english.
How do other people handle this naming issue, while keeping consistent, and sane (in everything from simple variable names in your code, to database tables, to server names)?