



I want to create a C++ Builder DLL project that doesn't use VCL. But I get this error in sysmac. Does anyone know the possible cause of this error?

+1  A: 

At a guess (because it's about 5 years since I would with C++ Builder) it's because sysmac.h requires the VCL, from this VCL Overview

The __declspec keyword is provided for language support with the VCL to overcome the previously mentioned items. The sysmac.h file provides macros that you should use if you need to use this keyword. The __declspec variations are discussed next

Binary Worrier
I don't need sysmac and VCL. Can I export functions in DLL without "__declspec" in C++Builder?
Binary Worrier

This means that you're including a VCL header somewhere in your project - most likely in a file that is compiled as C unit (hence the syntax errors).

You can turn on "Extended error information" in the project options to track down the responsible module.

Moritz Beutel