I personally am looking at the same issues as get sharpen the knives and start coding again. I have checked out some cool books, and have "Pragmatic Programmer" on reserve (my library rocks !). I have finished reading an interesting presentation on Cleanroom Software Engineering; I found out about it by reading a book called "Toward Zero-Defect Programming". Regardless of your opinion of things like this, it requires low management buy-in. The key, for me, is to look for things like that : approaches that do not assume that you have a team to work with, or methods that do not need or assume that there is a manager and/or admin assist available. I am also reading through the Lifehacker books, and while it may not be immediately applicable, it is amazing to me how much you can automate... lots of good stuff to help out any small business owner or power user of tech.
There is also, of course, Personal Software Process - but to mention that may start a holy war, I fear. Remarkable in that, again, it assumes no management buy-in = no management = no need to form a team to get it to work... I think the Trendy New Buzzword (tm) for that quality is "bottom-up". Beyond that, the advice I have seen quoted most often is that of Matt Briggs, etc. Or at least, here on StackOverflow...
Oh, and a word to the wise : comment your code liberally. Because as much as you think you are going to remember what you did and why 5-10 years from now, you won't. Almost all of my code is practically useless, except for the very first programming assignments I did way back in high school under Turbo Pascal 3.0. Go figure.