



This code works, but I'm wondering if there is a better way to do it. Basically I need to test bits, and write the appropriate character or characters to a string depending on the state of the bit. The spaces are present because the characters will be displayed with a fixed width font and I'd like to keep them from moving around. C or C++ is fine.

const char* Letters[10] = {"A", "B", "Sl", "St", "R", "L", "U", "D", "RS", "LS"};
const char* Ext[2] = {"X", "Y"};
const char* Spaces[10]  = {" ", " ", "  ", "  ", " ", " ", " ", " ", "  ", "  "};

char str[60];
char FinalString[60];

void MakeBitString(u16 data, u16 dataExt) {

    int x;
    strcpy(str, "");

    for (x = 0; x < 2; x++) {

     //X and Y
     if(dataExt & (1 << x)) {
      strcat(str, Spaces[x]); 
      strcat(str, Ext[x]);

    for (x = 0; x < 10; x++) {

     //the rest
     if(data & (1 << x)) {
      strcat(str, Spaces[x]); 
      strcat(str, Letters[x]);

    strcpy(FinalString, str);
+4  A: 
  • use std::string instead char* and strcat;
  • why you need array with spaces? it seems could be just one space;
  • you have almost indentical code for two u16 parameters - make one little function and call it twice;
  • don't write result in global variable - return std::string
It's making sure that the width is the same whether a bit is set or not.
+1  A: 

At the cost of some dynamic allocations (inside std::string), you can make this code more easily modifiable by not having any hard-coded numbers:

#define ARRAYSIZE(A) (sizeof(A)/sizeof((A)[0]))

std::string MakeBitString(u16 data, const std::string* letters, int count) {
    std::string s;
    for (int x = 0; x < count; x++) {
        if (data & (1 << x))
            s.append(letters[x].size(), ' '); 
            s += letters[x];
    return s;

std::string MakeBitString(u16 data, u16 dataExt) {
    const std::string Letters[] = {"A", "B", "Sl", "St", "R", "L", "U", "D", "RS", "LS"};
    const std::string Ext[] = {"X", "Y"};

    std::string s = MakeBitString(dataExt, Ext, ARRAYSIZE(Ext));
    s += MakeBitString(dataExt, Letters, ARRAYSIZE(Letters));
    return s;

That should be fine; if you want to add buttons or axes, though, you might want to generalize it a bit.

+3  A: 

I recommend something a little more explicit, which doesn't use loops, because you appear to have only a small number of bits to check. If this needs to scale to tens of thousands of bits, then by all means use loops.

I'm also assuming that you have a great reason for using global variables and fixed-length character arrays.

Here is what I would do:

char FinalString[60];

void ConcatBitLabel(char ** str, u16 data, u16 bitMask, const char * label)
    if (data & bitMask)
        // append spaces for strlen(label)
        while (*label) { *((*str)++) = ' '; label++; }
        // append the label
        while (*label) { *((*str)++) = *label; label++; }

void MakeBitString(u16 data, u16 dataExt)
    char * strPtr = FinalString;

    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, dataExt, 0x0001, "X");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, dataExt, 0x0002, "Y");

    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0001, "A");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0002, "B");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0004, "Sl");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0008, "St");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0010, "R");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0020, "L");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0040, "U");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0080, "D");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0100, "RS");
    ConcatBitLabel(&strPtr, data, 0x0200, "LS");

    *strPtr = 0; // terminate the string
+3  A: 

Basically the C++ solution looks like

Codes convert( std::size_t data,
               const Codes& ext, 
               const Codes& letters )
    Codes result;
    std::transform( ext.begin(),
                    std::back_inserter( result ),
                    Converter( data ) );

    std::transform( letters.begin(),
                    std::back_inserter( result ),
                    Converter( data ) );
    return result;

Where Converter is implemented like

struct Converter
    Converter( std::size_t value ):
        value_( value ), x_( 0 )
    std::string operator() ( const std::string& bitPresentation )
        return ( value_ & ( 1 << x_++ ) ) ?
            std::string( bitPresentation.size(), ' ' ):
    std::size_t value_;
    std::size_t x_;

Here is the convert from Codes to string function

std::string codesToString( const Codes& codes )
    std::ostringstream stringStream;
    std::copy( codes.begin(), codes.end(), 
               std::ostream_iterator<std::string>( stringStream ) );
    return stringStream.str();
Mykola Golubyev
I think it will be better to use boost::array or usual aray for store strings ( easy with creation ). Also your Converter counts calls - I'm not sure that this legal.
@bb: of course initialization phase can be changed or even converter can accept collections as parameters. boost::array is good idea in case boost is allowed. Using usual arrays just for shortness - I don't like them:) and their size calculation. Have to check in standard about counting in functor.
Mykola Golubyev
What is the benefit of writing code that complicated?
It is not. The code is divided in parts: one part that process bits and one that goes over them. When you need to change one part you don't touch other. Kind of low coupling.
Mykola Golubyev

Here's one bit-twiddly way to do it in a single pass. It's even extendable to up to 16 bits, as long as you ensure the wide mask has a bit set anywhere you have a 2-character signifier.

#define EXT_STR "XY"
const char FullStr[] =  EXT_STR DATA_STR;
#define  EXT_SZ  2 //strlen(EXT_STR);

void MakeBitStr(u16 data, u16 dataExt) {
    char* dest = FinalString;
    const char* src= FullStr;
    u16 input = (data<<EXT_SZ)|dataExt;
    u16 wide = (0x30C<<EXT_SZ)|0;  //set bit for every 2char tag;
    while ((src-FullStr)<sizeof(FullStr))
    {   *dest++ = (input&1)?' ':*src;
        if (wide&1)
        { wide&=~1;
        { input>>=1;wide>>=1;

Non-hacky, clean solution:

std::string MakeBitString(u16 data, u16 dataExt) {
    std::string ret;

    static const char *letters = "A B SlStR L U D RSLS";
    static const char *ext = "XY";
    static const char *spaces = "  ";

    for(int bit = 0; bit < 2; ++bit) {
        const char *which = (dataExt & 1) ? &ext[bit] : spaces;

        ret += std::string(which, 0, 1);

        dataExt >>= 1;

    for(int bit = 0; bit < 10; ++bit) {
        const int length = letters[bit * 2 + 1] == ' ' ?  1 : 2;
        const char *which = (dataExt & 1) ? &letters[bit * 2] : spaces;

        ret += std::string(which, 0, length);

        dataExt >>= 1;

    return ret;