



Hello, I'm trying to define the constructor and destructor of my class but I keep getting the error: definition of implicitly-declared 'x::x()'. What does it mean? BestWishes!

Part of the code:

    t = (-1);
    stackArray = new int[20];

    delete[] stackArray;
+15  A: 

In the class declaration (probably in a header file) you need to have something that looks like:

class StackInt {

To let the compiler know you don't want the default compiler-generated versions (since you're providing them).

There will probably be more to the declaration than that, but you'll need at least those - and this will get you started.

You can see this by using the very simple:

class X {
        public: X();   // <- remove this.
X::X() {};
int main (void) { X x ; return 0; }

Compile that and it works. Then remove the line with the comment marker and compile again. You'll see your problems appear then:

class X {};
X::X() {};
int main (void) { X x ; return 0; }

qq.cpp:2: error: definition of implicitly-declared `X::X()'

Michael Burr
Thank you. This was exactly the problem.
@MB, I was working on a test prog while you answered so I thought I'd add it rather than make a competing answer that said the same thing. Then I upvoted your much better answer :-)
Concise and accurate... very well done.