As most of you may be following my line of questions already know, i'm trying to create a program that can serialize multiple structs to a .dat file, read them back in via loading it's serialization, edit the contents, and then re-write them to the file and so on. It's a inventory program I am trying to do and I can't get it to work for the life of me.
The file i'm loading in, is blank. My program takes like 10 seconds to even load and now I know why. It's cause the size of my vector is like 250 thousand. Oh wait... this time I ran it the size of my vector was 5,172,285. Thats a pretty big vector full of structs. There aren't any run-time or compile errors, but I am pretty sure I am doing something wrong. The file i'm loading in is completely blank too.
// Project 5.cpp : main project file.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace System;
using namespace std;
#pragma hdrstop
int checkCommand (string line);
template<typename T>
void writeVector(ofstream &out, const vector<T> &vec);
template<typename T>
vector<T> readVector(ifstream &in);
struct InventoryItem {
string Item;
string Description;
int Quantity;
int wholesaleCost;
int retailCost;
int dateAdded;
} ;
int main(void)
cout << "Welcome to the Inventory Manager extreme! [Version 1.0]" << endl;
ifstream in("data.dat");
if (in.is_open()) { cout << "File \'data.dat\' has been opened successfully." << endl; } else { cout << "Error opening data.dat" << endl; return 0;}
cout << "Loading data..." << endl;
vector<InventoryItem> structList = readVector<InventoryItem>( in );
cout <<"Load complete." << endl;
while (1)
string line = "";
cout << "There are currently " << structList.size() << " items in memory.";
cout << endl;
cout << "Commands: " << endl;
cout << "1: Add a new record " << endl;
cout << "2: Display a record " << endl;
cout << "3: Edit a current record " << endl;
cout << "4: Exit the program " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter a command 1-4: ";
getline(cin , line);
int rValue = checkCommand(line);
if (rValue == 1)
cout << "You've entered a invalid command! Try Again." << endl;
} else if (rValue == 2){
cout << "Error calling command!" << endl;
} else if (!rValue) {
return 0;
int checkCommand (string line)
int intReturn = atoi(line.c_str());
int status = 3;
switch (intReturn)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
status = 0;
status = 1;
return status;
template<typename T>
void writeVector(ofstream &out, const vector<T> &vec)
out << vec.size();
for(vector<T>::const_iterator i = vec.begin(); i != vec.end(); i++)
out << *i;
ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const InventoryItem &i)
out << i.Item << i.Description;
out << i.Quantity;
out << i.wholesaleCost << i.retailCost;
out << i.dateAdded;
return out;
istream &operator>>(istream &in, InventoryItem &i)
in >> i.Item >> i.Description;
in >> i.Quantity;
in >> i.wholesaleCost >> i.retailCost;
in >> i.dateAdded;
return in;
template<typename T>
vector<T> readVector(ifstream &in)
size_t size;
in >> size;
vector<T> vec;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
T tmp;
in >> tmp;
return vec;
Can someone simply show me how to turn this in to a program that can actually write serialized vectors full of structs to a file, and then read them back in so I can edit them and store them back for loading later? Oh my goodness what a ride this has been!
THANK YOU for any help you can provide!