



Does python have any sort of built in functionality of notifying what dictionary elements changed upon dict update? For example I am looking for some functionality like this:

>>> a = {'a':'hamburger', 'b':'fries', 'c':'coke'}
>>> b = {'b':'fries', 'c':'pepsi', 'd':'ice cream'}
>>> a.diff(b)
{'c':'pepsi', 'd':'ice cream'}
>>> a.update(b)
>>> a
{'a':'hamburger', 'b':'fries', 'c':'pepsi', 'd':'ice cream'}

I am looking to get a dictionary of the changed values as shown in the result of a.diff(b)


Not built in, but you could iterate on the keys of the dict and do comparisons. Could be slow though.

Better solution is probably to build a more complex datastructure and use a dictionary as the underlying representation.

+2  A: 

No, it doesn't. But it's not hard to write a dictionary diff function:

def diff(a, b):
  diff = {}
  for key in b.keys():
    if (not a.has_key(key)) or (a.has_key(key) and a[key] != b[key]):
      diff[key] = b[key]
  return diff
Can Berk Güder
+7  A: 

No, but you can subclass dict to provide notification on change.

class ObservableDict( dict ):
    def __init__( self, *args, **kw ):
        self.observers= []
        super( ObservableDict, self ).__init__( *args, **kw )
    def observe( self, observer ):
        self.observers.append( observer )
    def __setitem__( self, key, value ):
        for o in self.observers:
            o.notify( self, key, self[key], value )
        super( ObservableDict, self ).__setitem__( key, value )
    def update( self, anotherDict ):
        for k in anotherDict:
            self[k]= anotherDict[k]

class Watcher( object ):
    def notify( self, observable, key, old, new ):
        print "Change to ", observable, "at", key

w= Watcher()
a= ObservableDict( {'a':'hamburger', 'b':'fries', 'c':'coke'} )
a.observe( w )
b = {'b':'fries', 'c':'pepsi'}
a.update( b )

Note that the superclass Watcher defined here doesn't check to see if there was a "real" change or not; it simply notes that there was a change.

Why does ObservableDict override the update method? Does the built in update method not call __setitem__?
It didn't appear to in my quick test. Perhaps I missed something.
+1  A: 
def diff_update(dict_to_update, updater):
    changes=dict((k,updater[k]) for k in filter(lambda k:(k not in dict_to_update or updater[k] != dict_to_update[k]), updater.iterkeys()))
    return changes

a = {'a':'hamburger', 'b':'fries', 'c':'coke'}
b = {'b':'fries', 'c':'pepsi'}
>>> print diff_update(a, b)
{'c': 'pepsi'}
>>> print a
{'a': 'hamburger', 'c': 'pepsi', 'b': 'fries'}
I like how this function handles both updating and returning the changes. However if I had to come back to this in 6 months to fix a bug, I probably would wish I had used a simple for loop instead of a lambda.
+1  A: 

A simple diffing function is easy to write. Depending on how often you need it, it may be faster than the more elegant ObservableDict by S.Lott.

def dict_diff(a, b):
    """Return differences from dictionaries a to b.

    Return a tuple of three dicts: (removed, added, changed).
    'removed' has all keys and values removed from a. 'added' has
    all keys and values that were added to b. 'changed' has all
    keys and their values in b that are different from the corresponding
    key in a.


    removed = dict()
    added = dict()
    changed = dict()

    for key, value in a.iteritems():
        if key not in b:
            removed[key] = value
        elif b[key] != value:
            changed[key] = b[key]
    for key, value in b.iteritems():
        if key not in a:
            added[key] = value
    return removed, added, changed

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print dict_diff({'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'yo': 4 }, 
                    {'foo': 0, 'foobar': 3, 'yo': 4 })
Lars Wirzenius
After-the-fact difference comparison has to be slower than a per-update log of differences. Collecting differences as the updates occur doesn't require a the after-the-fact loop.
Keeping track of changes as you make updates has cost. If you only need a diff rarely, it can be cheaper to compute it rarely than accumulate cost during every change.
Lars Wirzenius
+1  A: 

one year later

I like the following solution:

>>> def dictdiff(d1, d2):                                              
        return dict(set(d2.iteritems()) - set(d1.iteritems()))
>>> a = {'a':'hamburger', 'b':'fries', 'c':'coke'}
>>> b = {'b':'fries', 'c':'pepsi', 'd':'ice cream'}
>>> dictdiff(a, b)
{'c': 'pepsi', 'd': 'ice cream'}