



Hello everyone, I am preparing for my senior thesis presentation. I'd like to back myself up in case there is no internet connection available. Therefore I want to record a video showing the functionality of my software. I have tried Camtasia but all the smooth and slick animations I've created, do not look that appealing. Is there an alternative. Something that will capture my screen 1 to 1, or near that. Camtasia is great, but it does not serve the purpose.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards, Kiril

+2  A: 

List of screencasting software

Also, this ScreenToaster demo looks pretty smooth, and it just came out this year. Another demo. Thats pretty slick. You can download the video later as a .mov file.

John Ellinwood

You may also want to consider using the "Capture Movie" feature in VMWare Workstation. Being able to reset your environment back to a specific point for a retake may make it easier to record a perfect shot.

Robert Venables

Camtasia seems to be pretty solid. A few of my professors use it to capture their lectures.

oops, didn't finish the post...

I am using webex for such screen recording work.


As far as I know, screen recording software work as a "parasite" on your operating system, they don't necessarily get "switched in" every time the frame buffer changes or something in your video card changes.

I'm therefore not sure that you can find something that records 1:1. You might be able to improve things with increased process priority, no compression, etc., but I still doubt you'd capture every frame.


For making software demos, DemoCreator would be a nice tool. It will capture your screen 1 to 1 if you don't mean to resize the dimension of the Flash movie. And it is with powerful editing features for you to add callouts to make the dome easier to be understood.


im using a pretty screen record tool - PCHand Screen Recorder. it could record anything on the screen. and i think it is the perfect assistant to create instructional video for u. what's more, it could record any audio and keep synchronous with video. hope it could help u.
