You'll need to work with contentOffset and contentSize.
Everytime there is a scroll event, you can consider checking if the user is at say currentLength - 1, and if so, dynamically adding an image to the scrollview.
This should work for going being 5, although might get you in trouble in terms of memory if you dont release the earlier images.
I do not think this solution will work with images less than index 0.
Lets say you have images I1 to I5.
Layout a scrollview with the following images:
I5 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I1
Autoscroll to I1 (height of I5), without animation.
If the user ever scrolls above this mark, autoscroll them (without animation) down to the second I5 I1 pair.
If the user ever attempts to scroll below I5 near the end, you could autoscroll them back to the first I5 I1 pair.
If you scroll without animation, and to the correct height, it will appear that the images are endless.
Im not sure if this will be very responsive, but it might give the effect for which you're looking.