In a Mac OS X Cocoa application, I have an application-modal dialog with text fields that are bound to the Shared User Defaults Controller. If I edit a text field, and then tab away from it before hitting the OK button, then everything works as desired. However, if I start editing a field, then hit the Return key to trigger OK, the old value of the field remains in NSUserDefaults.
So, how can I force the changed field to affect the bound value when editing is "incomplete"?
From perusing documentation, I think I might be able to call NSControl's validateEditing method for each of the text fields before dismissing the dialog, but it seems like there should be a simpler way.
FWIW, here is the code that displays the dialog:
- (void)showDialog {
[NSApp activateIgnoringOtherApps:YES];
[NSApp beginSheet:startTimerDialog
[NSApp runModalForWindow:startTimerDialog];
[NSApp endSheet:startTimerDialog];
[startTimerDialog orderOut:self];
The OK button (actually titled "Start") is targetted to this method:
- (IBAction)startTimerDialogStartButtonWasClicked:(id)sender {
[self closeModalDialog:sender];
// Then, call methods that read values from NSUserDefaults
// ...