I find the best time to "debug" is while you're writing the code. In other words, be defensive. Check return values, liberally use assert, use some kind of reliable logging mechanism and log everything.
To more directly answer the question, the most efficient way for me to debug problems is to read code. Having a log helps you find the relevant code to read quickly. No logging? Spend the time putting it in. It may not seem like you're finding the bug, and you may not be. The logging might help you find another bug though, and eventually once you've gone through enough code, you'll find it....faster than setting up debuggers and trying to reproduce the problem, single stepping, etc.
While debugging I try to think of what the possible problems could be. I've come up with a fairly arbitrary classification system, but it works for me: all bugs fall into one of four categories. Keep in mind here that I'm talking about runtime problems, not compiler or linker errors. The four categories are:
- dynamic memory allocation
- stack overflow
- uninitialized variable
- logic bug
These categories have been most useful to me with C and C++, but I expect they apply pretty well elsewhere. The logic bug category is a big one (e.g. putting a < b when the correct thing was a <= b), and can include things like failing to synchronize access among threads.
Knowing what I'm looking for (one of these four things) helps a lot in finding it. Finding bugs always seems to be much harder than fixing them.
The actual mechanics for debugging are most often:
- do I have an automated test that demonstrates the problem?
- if not, add a test that fails
- change the code so the test passes
- make sure all the other tests still pass
- check in the change
No automated testing in your environment? No time like the present to set it up. Too hard to organize things so you can test individual pieces of your program? Take the time to make it so. May make it take "too long" to fix this particular bug, but the sooner you start, the faster everything else'll go. Again, you might not fix the particular bug you're looking for but I bet you find and fix others along the way.