



It's easy enough to find all your external dependencies. Just run the program and open up the Modules info window. But how can I find all my internal dependencies? I know the program keeps a list of all the units, because I've traced my way through the initialization code a time or two. But is there any easy way to access this list from the debugger?

+1  A: 

Have you looked at Pascal Analyzer or the free limited version, Icarus, from Peganza Software? They will create "uses reports" telling you what module uses what others, so that should give you the info you're after.


+1  A: 

I know of at least two ways you could try to get a view of all the units used in your project

  1. CTRL-SHIFT-B opens the object browser. If I'm not mistaken, here you can get a view of used units. I'm not entirely sure about this method and don't have Delphi available to verify it.
  2. Use Modelmaker; Modelmaker can give you a tree like view of all your unit dependancies. Look at the Visualizing existing code section for more information.

There is a (rather old) utility called UsgParse. It builds a treeview of all units referenced by a project.

I found a copy on the NexusDB site via



+2  A: 

GExperts has a Project Dependencies tool. I have used it before when trying to track down used units. You can't search in it but you can export the list to a CSV file and search there. This also only lists what is in the uses section. If you have a module included that is not being used it will still show up.

Mark Elder
+1  A: 
+4  A: 

Another, but rather cumbersome way, is to generate a map file, it contains a list of all units used in a program.


The easiest way is to compile program and check which .dcu was created by compiler. Make sure to setup compiler to create .dcu in a separate directory, for example c:\dcu. I have created simple utility that searches .pas for every .dcu file in directories that are in a compiler search path (that can be read from .cfg, .dof or .bdsproject file).

Michał Niklas
+2  A: 

The Delphi debugger can show you which units were compiled into a module (exe, dll or package). You can see this in the Modules view (View | Debug Windows | Modules). Click on a module in the upper left pane, and the lower left pane will show all the compilation units that were built into that module. If a particular compilation unit was made up of multiple source files (i.e a .pas and a .inc file), that will be shown too (when you expand the comp unit).

Alternatively, you can have the Delphi compiler show you a list of used .dcus by passing --depends when you compile a project. It will output a .d file with a list of the .dcus (and .dcps) that were required.

Chris Hesik