



Poll: What is the best and easy to use installer to use with .NET 3.5 SP1 windows applications?

+1  A: 

The one out of the box from Visual Studio 2008.

Otávio Décio
It is good for small applications.
+2  A: 

In the past I've used both InstallShield and Wise. I wouldn't say that using either of them is a joy, but they get the job done for large Windows applications.

Of the two, I would generally favour InstallShield.

Richard Ev
+1  A: 

I very much like WiX, which is said to be the installer used by MS internally for Office.

And Flight Simulator
Cool, very useful link!
+2  A: 

I used NSIS on my first-and-last Windows project, and was quite happy with it.

Can Berk Güder
+7  A: 

My vote is for:

Nullsoft Scriptable Install System - it's popular, easy to use and FREE

Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) is a script-driven Windows installation system with minimal overhead backed by Nullsoft, the creators of Winamp. NSIS has risen to popularity as a widely used alternative to commercial and proprietary products like InstallShield. - Wikipedia

There is rich plugins directory for NSIS, where you can find for example a plugin for installing windows services.

Commercial alternatives:


  • WiX
  • Inno Setup
  • Setup Project from Visual Studio - there are ways to make good complex installation packages with it, but it's not that easy.

List of Installatino Software at Wikipedia

Koistya Navin
Does it support installing of Windows Services?
Check it's plugins directory.
Koistya Navin
+1  A: 

Innosetup is the fastest one I've used to make setup files quickly and easily (out of Nullsoft and VS), providing you get the designer that is a separate download.

Chris S
InnoSetup is great for relatively simple installers.
Richard Ev
+1  A: 

My personal preference is Advanced Installer, it has a nice GUI for creation and editing of projects which are XML files so fits into source control easily.

Richard Slater

Nullsoft Scriptable Install System anytime... simply because of it's ease of use and more than that, it's free!

+1  A: 

You could use ClickOnce deployment, if your environment allows you to do so. (If it's convenient).

Actually any answer could apply to your question here, choosing the "right" installer never possible for "a windows application".

  • How many different machines are your going to install to?
  • How large is your application?
  • Does it have many dependencies? (Databases etc.)
  • What is the "level" of the users who are going to install your app? Are they system administrators who install apps for a living, or are they joe-random "Hey lets click install because it looks cool" types.

just my 2ct.
