We have a Delphi 7 application that runs as an ISAPI extension in IIS6. The code use ADO to connect to a MS SQL 2000 database and performs many reads on the database (no writes). If I watch the audit login and logout events in SQL profiler I can see that numerous requests to the app result in only 1 audit login event. However, if I run that same code from outside IIS (i.e. a test app calling the same method in the dll) I see many login and logout events. My guess is that IIS is performing some automatic connection pooling without my doing anything. I'd like to see the same behavior when I run the dll from outside of IIS for performance reasons - the app is almost 100% slower in this situation. How can I get ADO connection pooling when the dll runs outside of IIS?
EDIT - I'm actually using the SQL ole provider. The connection string looks like this:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Initial Catalog=%s;Data Source=%s;Password=%s;User ID=%s;Pooling=True;Min Pool Size=5;Max Pool Size=50;Connection Lifetime=120
I tried adding the Pooling=True attribute but this doesn't change things. Also, I learned that audit login and logout events don't necessarily change for connection pooling so I started using the Logins/sec, Logouts/sec and User Connections performance counters (SQLServer:GeneralStatistics) to determine if connection pooling occurs. From inside IIS I see many logins/sec and no logouts/sec. Outside of IIS I see many logins and logouts per second and user connections fluctuates (it holds steady in IIS).