



I posted this on their forums, but so far haven't heard anything back (which is getting more commonplace and a little disconcerting to be honest). If anyone can help me here that would be awesome!

I have a self referencing hierarchy that currently goes three levels deep (could be more in the future though). Whenever a specific column ("override") is equal to true the row highlights to a new background color to make it stand out. What I need is for the parent row(s) (all the way up to the top view) to also highlight should a child record have that value set to true as well. This is so the end user knows either the row itself is overridden or a child entry is overridden.

I have tried using the "HideExpandColumnRecursive" function to do this, the DetailTableBinding event, and looping through the grid items (to expose NestedTableViews) but it seems like any object that can access the data in the cell can't talk to its parent or vice versa.