Given a machine with 1 CPU and a lot of RAM. Besides other kinds of applications (web server etc.), there are 2 other server applications running on that machine doing the exact same kind of processing although one uses 10 threads and the other users 1 thread. Assume the processing logic for each request is 100% CPU-bound and typically takes no longer than 2 seconds to finish. The question is whose throughput, in terms of transactions processed per minute, might be better? Why?
Note that the above is not a real environment, I just make up the data to make the question clear. My current thinking is that there should be no difference because the apps are 100% CPU-bound and therefore if the machine can handle 30 requests per minute for the 2nd app, it will also be able to handle 3 requests per minute for each of the 10 threads of the 1st app. But I'm glad to be proven wrong, given the fact that there are other applications running in the machine and one application might not be always given 100% CPU time.