I'm now a couple of months into my Smalltalk learning voyage. I was aware, from the beginning that Smalltalk has several "dialects" (perhaps "dialect" isn't the best word) but by this I mean VisualWorks, Squeak and Dolphin to mention just three. So far I have limited my foray to Visualworks and Squeak. But I've now discovered that Squeak seems to be metamorphosing (pun intended!) into several other variants e.g. Tweak, Pharo, Cobalt and Croquet.
Could somebody explain: a) why these initiatives (Tweak, Pharo, Croquet and Cobalt) have arisen ? b) should I take time keep abreast - bearing in mind I'm a Smalltalk neophyte? c) How come such an unpopular language has such a vibrant set of developments happening? d) Are there other initiatives that I should be aware of? (as a beginner not a computer researcher that is)