



Hello :)

I'm writing a compressor for a long stream of 128 bit numbers. I would like to store the numbers as differences -- storing only the difference between the numbers rather than the numbers themselves because I can pack the differences in fewer bytes because they are smaller.

However, for compression then I need to subtract these 128 bit values, and for decompression I need to add these values. Maximum integer size for my compiler is 64 bits wide.

Anyone have any ideas for doing this efficiently?


+9  A: 

Take a look at GMP.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <gmp.h>

int main (int argc, char** argv) {
    mpz_t x, y, z;
    char *xs, *ys, *zs;
    int i;
    int base[4] = {2, 8, 10, 16};

    /* setting the value of x in base 10 */
    mpz_init_set_str(x, "100000000000000000000000000000000", 10);

    /* setting the value of y in base 16 */
    mpz_init_set_str(y, "FF", 16);

    /* just initalizing the result variable */

    mpz_sub(z, x, y);

    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
     xs = mpz_get_str(NULL, base[i], x);
     ys = mpz_get_str(NULL, base[i], y);
     zs = mpz_get_str(NULL, base[i], z);

     /* print all three in base 10 */
     printf("x = %s\ny = %s\nz = %s\n\n", xs, ys, zs);


    return 0;

The output is

x = 10011101110001011010110110101000001010110111000010110101100111011111000000100000000000000000000000000000000
y = 11111111
z = 10011101110001011010110110101000001010110111000010110101100111011111000000011111111111111111111111100000001

x = 235613266501267026547370040000000000
y = 377
z = 235613266501267026547370037777777401

x = 100000000000000000000000000000000
y = 255
z = 99999999999999999999999999999745

x = 4ee2d6d415b85acef8100000000
y = ff
z = 4ee2d6d415b85acef80ffffff01
Chas. Owens
Will definitely keep this library in mind if I need more than addition and subtraction. Thanks!
Billy ONeal
+3  A: 

Can you guarantee the differences will be smaller? For that matter, can you guarantee the differences won't in fact be larger? For example, if you simply store the numbers as 128-bit numbers (signed or otherwise), you need a range of 2^128 (either -2^127 to 2^127 or 0 to 2^128), but if you store the differences, you then need a range of 2^129 to store all potential differences. Consider the sequence [ -2^127, 2^127, -2^127 ] which would translate to the sequence of differences [ 2^128, -2^128 ] from the starting point -2^127. No 128-bit data type can hold both of those numbers, you would in fact require 129 bits per difference to hold the entire range.

On the other hand if you know that the differences between two numbers will always fit into a smaller data type, I second the notion to look at GMP.

There are about 60,000 of them, and they are in a sorted list. Difference between each item in the list is much smaller than an entire 128 bit value.
Billy ONeal
This is a good point about the range of the differences. However, since the purpose of the differences is only to restore the original list of 128-bit numbers, I think that performing the additions/subtractions modulo 2^128 should be sufficient.

TomsFastMath is a bit like GMP (mentioned above), but is public domain, and was designed from the ground up to be extremely fast (it even contains assembly code optimizations for x86, x86-64, ARM, SSE2, PPC32, and AVR32).

Ben Alpert
GMP is under the LGPL, so you can do anything a rational person would want to do:
Chas. Owens
LGPL still has some requirements that might make one think twice: you need to provide the capability for the user to be able to relink your application with an updated/custom/different version of the LGPL'ed library.
Michael Burr
@Michael: Think of the L as "shared library" rather than anything else. If your app is dynamically linked then you have already provided the necessary ability to relink because it's possible to put a new shared library in the lib path.
Adam Hawes
Seems, that TomsFastMath was last updated somewhen in 2006 ...
+1  A: 

There is a lot of literature regarding large integer math. You can use one of the libraries freely available (see links) or you can roll your own. Although I should warn you, for anything more complicated than addition and subtraction (and shifts), you'll need to use non-trivial algorithms.

To add and subtract, you can create a class/structure that holds two 64-bit integers. You can use simple school math to do the addition and subtraction. Basically, do what you do with a pencil and paper to add or subtract, with careful consideration to carries/borrows.

Search for large integer. Btw recent versions of VC++, IntelC++ and GCC compilers have 128-bit integer types, although I'm not sure they are as easily accessible as you might like (they are intended to be used with sse2/xmms registers).

If I try to use my compiler's __int128 type I get this message:c:\...\clsidcompressor.h(5) : error C4235: nonstandard extension used : '__int128' keyword not supported on this architecture
Billy ONeal
You probably have changed the target to something that doesn't have the aforementioned sse2/xmms registers, and therefore make no sense to use __int128. Try searching the documentation to see if you can use them at all. Otherwise, there are really a lot of small libraries that will do the job.
Visual Studio won't use __int128 on x86 or x64.
+13  A: 

If all you need is addition and subtraction, and you already have your 128-bit values in binary form, a library might be handy but isn't strictly necessary. This math is trivial to do yourself.

I don't know what your compiler uses for 64-bit types, so I'll use INT64 and UINT64 for signed and unsigned 64-bit integer quantities.

class Int128
    Int128 operator+(const Int128 & rhs)
        Int128 sum;
        sum.high = high + rhs.high;
        sum.low = low + rhs.low;
        // check for overflow of low 64 bits, add carry to high
        if (sum.low < low)
        return sum;
    Int128 operator-(const Int128 & rhs)
        Int128 difference;
        difference.high = high - rhs.high;
        difference.low = low - rhs.low;
        // check for underflow of low 64 bits, subtract carry to high
        if (difference.low > low)
        return difference;

    INT64  high;
    UINT64 low;
Mark Ransom
Just for nitpicking: I think you can omit the second comparison when checking for carry in the addition function ...
The overflow check was really the peace I was missing. Thanks!
Billy ONeal
@Martin - yes you're right, the second comparison is redundant. I'll edit it out. My only excuse is that it was late when I wrote this.
Mark Ransom

Having stumbled across this relatively old post entirely by accident, I thought it pertinent to elaborate on Volte's previous conjecture for the benefit of inexperienced readers.

Firstly, the signed range of a 128-bit number is -2127 to 2127-1 and not -2127 to 2127 as originally stipulated.

Secondly, due to the cyclic nature of finite arithmetic the largest required differential between two 128-bit numbers is -2127 to 2127-1, which has a storage prerequisite of 128-bits, not 129. Although (2127-1) - (-2127) = 2128-1 which is clearly greater than our maximum 2127-1 positive integer, arithmetic overflow always ensures that the nearest distance between any two n-bit numbers always falls within the range 0 to 2n-1 and thus implicitly -2n-1 to 2n-1-1.

In order to clarify, let us first examine how a hypothetical 3-bit processor would implement binary addition. As an example, consider the following table which depicts the absolute unsigned range of a 3-bit integer.

   0 = 000b
   1 = 001b
   2 = 010b
   3 = 011b
   4 = 100b
   5 = 101b
   6 = 110b
   7 = 111b ---> [Cycles back to 000b on overflow]

From the above table it is readily apparent that:

   001b(1) + 010b(2) = 011b(3)

It is also apparent that adding any of these numbers with its numeric complement always yields 2n-1:

   010b(2) + 101b([complement of 2] = 5) = 111b(7) = (23-1)

Due to the cyclic overflow which occurs when the addition of two n-bit numbers results in an (n+1)-bit result, it therefore follows that adding any of these numbers with its numeric complement + 1 will always yield 0:

   010b(2) + 110b([complement of 2] + 1) = 000b(0)

Thus we can say that [complement of n] + 1 = -n, so that n + [complement of n] + 1 = n + (-n) = 0. Furthermore, if we now know that n + [complement of n] + 1 = 0, then n + [complement of n - x] + 1 must = n - (n-x) = x.

Applying this to our original 3-bit table yields:

   0 = 000b = [complement of 0] + 1 = 0
   1 = 001b = [complement of 7] + 1 = -7
   2 = 010b = [complement of 6] + 1 = -6
   3 = 011b = [complement of 5] + 1 = -5
   4 = 100b = [complement of 4] + 1 = -4
   5 = 101b = [complement of 3] + 1 = -3
   6 = 110b = [complement of 2] + 1 = -2
   7 = 111b = [complement of 1] + 1 = -1 ---> [Cycles back to 000b on overflow]

Whether the representational abstraction is positive, negative or a combination of both as implied with signed twos-complement arithmetic, we now have 2n n-bit patterns which can seamlessly serve both positive 0 to 2n-1 and negative 0 to -(2n)-1 ranges as and when required. In point of fact, all modern processors employ just such a system in order to implement common ALU circuitry for both addition and subtraction operations. When a CPU encounters an i1 - i2 subtraction instruction, it internally performs a [complement + 1] operation on i2 and subsequently processes the operands through the addition circuitry in order to compute i1 + [complement of i2] + 1. With the exception of an additional carry/sign XOR-gated overflow flag, both signed and unsigned addition, and by implication subtraction, are each implicit.

If we apply the above table to the input sequence [-2n-1, 2n-1-1, -2n-1] as presented in Volte's original reply, we are now able to compute the following n-bit differentials:

diff #1:
   (2n-1-1) - (-2n-1) =
   3 - (-4) = 3 + 4 =
   (-1) = 7 = 111b

diff #2:
   (-2n-1) - (2n-1-1) =
   (-4) - 3 = (-4) + (5) =
   (-7) = 1 = 001b

Starting with our seed -2n-1, we are now able to reproduce the original input sequence by applying each of the above differentials sequentially:

   (-2n-1) + (diff #1) =
   (-4) + 7 = 3 =

   (2n-1-1) + (diff #2) =
   3 + (-7) = (-4) =

You may of course wish to adopt a more philosophical approach to this problem and conjecture as to why 2n cyclically-sequential numbers would require more than 2n cyclically-sequential differentials?


I have to say I understand about 5% of that post. I can confirm that using the algorithm I described allowed me to achieve about 20% compression of the CLSIDs in my whitelist.
Billy ONeal