I imagine most of you know what I am getting at. You start a new job and within the first week or so of scanning through the code you realize you are in yet another C shop that throws in the occasional stream or hapless user defined class here and there. You quickly realize that not only aren't you going to learn anything new but it is just a matter of time before you are asked not use certain things because no one else understands them and won't be able to maintain your work.
How often do you see some new technique on say, StackOverflow, only to realize that if you ever used it at work you would be met with bewilderment or annoyance at best?
In your experience are these places the norm or the exception?
How do (or would) you try to determine a group's level of sophistication and commitment to C++ in the interview setting? For instance I have tried asking questions about the company's use of things like STL, Boost, 3rd party libs, etc., but that only seems to get incrementally closer to the reality of situation you'll find once in it. Thoughts?