




What is the precise meaning of numeric_limits::digits10? Some other related questions in stackoverflow made me think it is the maximum precision of a double, but

  • The following prototype starts working (sucess is true) when precision is greater that 17 ( == 2+numeric_limits::digits10)
  • With STLPort, readDouble==infinity at the end; with microsoft's STL, readDouble == 0.0.
  • Has this prototype any kind of meaning :) ?

Here is the prototype:

#include <float.h>
#include <limits>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) {
  std::ostringstream os;
  //int digit10=std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10; // ==15
  //int digit=std::numeric_limits<double>::digits; // ==53
  os << std::setprecision(17);
  os << DBL_MAX;
  std::cout << os.str();
  std::stringbuf sb(os.str());
  std::istream is(&sb);
  double readDouble=0.0;
  is >> readDouble;
  bool success = fabs(DBL_MAX-readDouble)<0.1;
+7  A: 

numeric_limits::digits10 specifies the number of decimal digits to the left of the decimal point you can represent without a loss of precision. Each type will have a different number of representable decimal values.

Aaron Saarela
+5  A: 

The '53' is the number of mantissa bits that your type (double) holds. The '15' is the number of decimal digits that can be represented safely with that kind of precision.

+5  A: 

numeric_limits::digits10 is the number of decimal digits that can be held without loss.

For example numeric_limits::digits10<unsigned char> is 2. This means that an unsigned char can hold 0..99 without loss. If it were 3 it could hold 0..999, but as we all know it can only hold 0..255.

This manual page has an example for floating point numbers, which (when shortened) shows that

cout << numeric_limits<float>::digits10 <<endl;
float f = (float)99999999; // 8 digits
cout.precision ( 10 );
cout << "The float is; " << f << endl;


The float is; 100000000
Andrew Stein