Why might SCardEstablishContext hang, never to return, when called from a service?
I have code that works fine on lots of Windows installations. It accesses a Cherry keyboard's Smart Card reader (6x44) to read data on a smart card. It works fine on most PCs it has been tried on. However, on some PCs, running in Spain with Spanish Windows, the SCardEstablishContext function never returns. I cannot work out why this might be. I have logging either side of it, but the log entry after it does not appear. I cannot then shut it down (the worker thread is getting stuck), and have to kill it.
Exactly the same thread code works fine if run from an application, and not a service. Giving the service login settings of a user instead of system makes no difference. I've installed Spanish XP on a machine here, but it works just fine. The far end has the same Winscard.dll version as I have here (both at XP SP3 status). No errors are shown in the event log.
How might I work out what is going wrong, and what might be fixing it? (Delphi code below)
// based on code by Norbert Huettisch
function TPCSCConnector.Init: boolean;
RetVar: LongInt;
ReaderList: string;
ReaderListSize: integer;
v: array[0..MAXIMUM_SMARTCARD_READERS] of string;
i: integer;
Result := false;
FNumReaders := 0;
LogReport(leInformation, 'About to call SCardEstablishContext');
RetVar := SCardEstablishContext(SCARD_SCOPE_USER, nil, nil, @FContext);
// never gets to report this (and logging known good etc)
LogReport(leInformation, 'SCardEstablishContext result = ' + IntToStr(RetVar));
if RetVar = SCARD_S_SUCCESS then