




Hello All,

Wanted to know if I can place a background image into GVIM.

Can this be done programatically?


+5  A: 

According to a trivial google search for "gvim background image", the answer is "no". I'm basing that off this thread from the Vim mailing list. Looks like they might want someone to implement the feature though, so that would make this question legitimately programming related if you asked HOW to do so yourself :)

+1 Needed a good chuckle today
Arnold Spence
+1  A: 

Like rmeador said, a google search and a perusal of the vim documentation seems to imply that the answer is no. However, take comfort in knowing that you aren't alone in desiring this feature. This guy wanted the same feature and actually implemented it, at least for win32 and vim 6.2. If you really want to do this, I'd give his patches a look as a starting place, although I don't know how much those sections of the vim codebase have changed between 6.2 and the current version (7.2).

Paul Wicks
+1  A: 

No, not yet.

However on win32 and vim 6.2 this guy implemented it.

+6  A: 

Good lord, why?

If you must, I'd suggest something along the following lines:

  1. use a compositing window manager (e.g. Compiz on Linux, Windows Vista and Mac OS probably have analogs)
  2. set a desktop background
  3. make your gvim window transparent
  4. rejoice, your text is now harder to read!
Sam Stokes
If you can't make the window transparent, you could always print your desktop background on transparent projector-paper and selotape it to your monitor