The reason for this, I find myself being asked to make replacement classes for boost's classes in a commercial project. And I am asked to test them against the boost class's behaviour.
This makes absolutely no sense to me. I seldom see a license as open as boost's.
Maybe there will be added functionality in the future, but since boost's classes are quite extensible, I really am ... flabbergasted?
Added: I am about to advise my employer against doing this, but I wanted to do this in an informed way.
Edit: clarification. They only asked me for a few classes. Remaking boost seems not to be the intention, but some selective parts of it. Still. I see no reason.
EDIT: Well, 2 meetings afterward, I think I know what the problems are. (I only work as a freelancer so I am not briefed in every detail) It is really a mixture of distrust towards externally and not commercially supported libraries, unwieldiness/overcomplexity of boost if you aren't really proficient, project bloat and some bad experiences with not fully compliant compilers for embedded devices, that may be targeted in the future.
They want something they can fumble around in, without being template maniacs. I am aware that there may be some other libs out there, and I will surely be able to borrow some OS code, but alea iacta est
Well, let there be yet another xplatform utility class framework :) Sometimes reinventing wheels is fun.
Thanks for all your hints. Some of them where quite on the spot, but I think It's fair, that I will not choose one of them as correct. I have given +1 to everybody who contributed to my thought processes.