




Is there a good book that explains Telerik ASP.NET controls?

+1  A: 

I do have the same problem :)

I do hate their documentation, because the methods and properties that are more advanced have nothing about it, just a description that says absolutely nothing... we need to wonder how it works, test the object types that return, no references what so ever about other ways and other similar methods, etc ...

You can always use their Forum (other think that I dislike cause messages stays there forever without been answered - I even told them that), or the Support (last Support ticket I got a ridiculous answer about what I was trying to accomplish)...

Never the less, I have to use the components because the company already paid for it and the bottom line is that, they are pretty good, as long as you know how to work with them.

They now have the Trainer... start there! You can also see the Telerik TV then... place your questions here :)

I don't use their components in Design Mode, I create my own controls inheriting from their own and added more functionality, so I do all in code and javascript, witch is where I really need the documentation :(

+1  A: 

Have you looked at the Telerik Documentation and Tutorials?

Mitch Wheat
it's good to start, but when you start to perform advance things... that doesn't help much :(
+2  A: 

Found this one RadControls for ASP.NET: A Step By Step Learning Guide

Found your own answer:-) +1
Jose Basilio
As a follow-up for future searchers, there is an updated version of this book for the ASP.NET AJAX controls available as a free PDF on Telerik.com: http://www.telerik.com/products/aspnet-ajax/resources.aspx