



I use wxWidgets to create test tools at work. I have always created the GUI by creating the widgets in code. I haven't tried any of the tools available that help to do this. How do other users of wxWidgets typically create their interface? If you use a tool, which tool do you use? If you use a tool, what advantages and disadvantages do you think there are for using that tool?

+1  A: 

You know, it depends. E.g. if I need some standard behaviour, I usually use DialogBlocks for GUI because it is the fastest way. If I need custom behaviour (e.g. my current project is cross-platform media manager whose GUI supports skins) then I do all GUI-relates things in code. As for custom controls:

  • If a control does some project-specific thing, then I create it in DialogBlocks using the same project file (with other forms and dialogs used in this project)
  • If my control should be reusable (general-purpose control) then I create a separate project for it and create a keleton in DialogBlocks - add empty event handlers and class variables if possible, then write logic manually in Visual Studio.

That's it :)

+3  A: 

What I find is that I often build the first cut at a GUI using a tool, and when it seems to be converging on the "final" form, I start to recode/refactor by hand.

Some of this depends on the tools, though, too. I'm not a big wxWidget fan.

Charlie Martin
That seems to be a good compromise. Some things like proper platform-specific control spacing are beyond the capabilities of GUI design tools (at least I know of none able to do a good job).
Yeah, and the "round trip engineering" aspects really never seem to work. Eventually you have to hack the code by hand, and hen God help the tool.
Charlie Martin
+5  A: 

I've used wxFormBuilder for two reasons:

  1. It's cross-platform and I needed something that would work on Linux.
  2. I'm new to wxWidgets and I didn't want to spend lots of time futzing about with building the GUI.

I think it works quite well, and being familiar with similar GUI building tools (Borland C++ Builder, Jigloo for Java, Delphi) I found it easy to use.

If you stick with the paradigm of using wxFormBuilder to generate base classes, and then you make a class that inherits to layer your application specific logic on top, absolutely not hand-editing the C++ code wxFormBuilder generates, then it works well and you can easily update and modify your GUIs in wxFormBuilder again (and again...).


  • Can generate your base GUIs quite quickly, in a visual manner, without having to constantly look up the documentation.
  • Don't have to do as many code/compile/run cycles just to make sure your GUI is looking like what you expected.
  • The base class/derived class paradigm can make a reasonably clean separation of your GUI and business logic code.

Potential Disadvantages

  • Disclaimer: I've only used wxWidgets to create very simple, straight-forward GUIs, so haven't really pushed the tool to any limits.
  • Potentially the base class/derived class paradigm could sometimes get in your way if you are doing something too sophisticated with your GUI (OTOH that could indicate that you may need to re-think your approach.)
  • I had a situation where I needed a menu item when compiled for one operating system, but not when compiled for another. There is no logic in wxFormBuilder to support this. I ended up taking the short-cut of always creating the menu item and then having my derived class make it invisible if it was the wrong OS (not ideal.)

That's about it, I think.

+1  A: 

You might want to look into using XRC/XRS files.

Though I must admit I haven't bothered to do so myself. Just generating static GUI code using wxFormBuilder (which has XRC support, btw) has been enough for all my (small-scale) GUI designs.
